Windows Bouncing Cursor Fix?

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Staff member
May 22, 2013
Upstate New York, US
I had this issue a few months ago. I tried the suggested fixes (except for the more elaborate ones involving boot modifications that didn't seem to help anyone anyway). It then stopped on its own when I had yet another "update" to Windows 10 forced on me. It's now back for no apparent reason, and worse than ever. I have the pointer speed cranked way down, and pointer 'enhancement' off, but it's hard to do much and the damned thing is still wobbling. Has anyone fixed this latest idiocy from Microsoft? I'm about ready to switch to Linux at this point. If I abandon the Web from sheer frustration, the spammers will be taking over this site again...
I have at least 2 machines at home running Win 10 (my primary desktop machine + a laptop). I've never hit nor heard of this before. My parents have 3 machines on Win 10 w/o this issue. On at least 2 or 3 other machines w/Win 7, I think I installed Win 10 far enough to get a digital entitlement (long ago) so that I could upgrade or clean install Win 10 on them later. This was during the free upgrade period.

Some of the suggested fixes at seem promising. I did a quick Google search to find this.

I would try another mouse first (I have a bunch) and disabling stuff like the touchscreen or touchpad, if you have these. Reinstall drivers or remove drivers for the mouse? (I can kinda navigate Windows w/keyboard if the mouse is disabled.) Uncheck "Enable pointer shadow"? has a whole boatload of suggestions. One of them might be it.

If it started recently, you could try using System Restore to restore to a previous restore point. Go to This PC > (right click) Properties > System Protection.

If you don't mind joining another (free) forum to ask a question, you can join TCF to ask at You won't be able to even view the thread w/o being logged in.
No touchscreen. Two mice (I'm ambidextrous) and turning off the wireless one does nothing. It's a common issue, your luck not withstanding. I don't seem to have a direct option to uninstall and reinstall mouse drivers - that must be in another menu.
Hit Windows key > Device Manager. You should see your mice there. Double click or right click on them.

Hope you don't get into a state where all your mice are disabled and you have difficulty in getting them going again.
I'm won't be in front of a Windows machine for many hours but can you disable the device or uninstall the driver? What if you use an administrator account, if your current one isn't one?
Fixed!!! This was an Old Peoples' Problem. I had an old USB hub hanging down behind the desk that I'd forgotten about, and it was that - not the mouse plugged into - that was going bad. I plugged the mouse into a front USB port and the cursor is now rock steady.