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Well-known member
May 10, 2013
Chicago North Side
Has anyone on the board yet purchased a Vehicle to home system?


If so, could you report on how you like it, and whether its helped in any power outages/brown outs?
I cant see the cost (how much?) / Utility factor...... Yeah,,,,, What is the cost?

An EV does not have that much power to give to a house when the lights go out...

You would do better with a good gas/ propane generator for emergencies...
This is not as "nice" and integrated as V2H but it definitely works (I tested and used it myself):

I calculated even with only 14 kWh available in my old leaf, that if it was just to power the fridge, tv, some small appliances, it would last for at least several days.

But if you want to power the ENTIRE home including A/C etc, then yes even 60 kWh would last barely 2 days.
Cool thing, I set it up at home. By the way, it is better to ask someone to help if you do not understand this.
these guys helped me http://www.EulessLocksmith24h.Com
There is a similar unit from China produced by Setec Power. A search using Setec will result in some actual use information. It does not appear any of these units are suitable to integrate with the typical US household 240 VAC split phase power. Personally have thought about purchase, however, waiting for an integrated solar/EV hybrid grid tied power converter system (V2X). OTOH, not holding my breath!
"Honey, I've got to go get more electricity at the charge station. I'll be back to power the house in a couple of hours. "

Whatever you do, don't run the battery down so far that you can't make it to the charger. :shock: