Elon Musk

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
SF Bay Area, CA
Post about Elon here if it doesn't cleanly fit within one of the Tesla or SpaceX topics. (e.g. his 6th child named "X Æ A-12" (???), "pedo guy", antics, etc.)

I listened to this earlier today:
Her Cellphone Number Used To Be Elon Musk's. You Can Imagine The Calls She Gets : NPR

https://www.npr.org/2020/05/21/858155045/she-gets-calls-and-texts-meant-for-elon-musk-some-are-pretty-weird has a document w/some screenshots of the texts/iMessages she receives.
Elon Musk confirms: “Yes, I have moved to Texas”
cwerdna said:
Post about Elon here if it doesn't cleanly fit within one of the Tesla or SpaceX topics. (e.g. his 6th child named "X Æ A-12" (???), "pedo guy", antics, etc.)

I listened to this earlier today:
Her Cellphone Number Used To Be Elon Musk's. You Can Imagine The Calls She Gets : NPR

https://www.npr.org/2020/05/21/858155045/she-gets-calls-and-texts-meant-for-elon-musk-some-are-pretty-weird has a document w/some screenshots of the texts/iMessages she receives.

She must enjoy it if she's been putting up with it for 8 years.
Elon is the richest man in the world.

4 Bill Gates has found clues, and has taken up with Buffet.

8 Warren Buffet.

I don't know much about #3 Bernard Arnault & family, or #6, Zhong Shanshan.

Elon Musk told his followers to ‘use Signal,’ leading to 1,100% surge in unrelated stock with similar name
LOL! As the article points out, there have been mix ups like this in the past involving other stocks. I remember when there's been stock confusion between Cisco (networking company) vs. Sysco (food).
Looks like it happened again.
During Monday’s trading session, the stock rose 438% and reached a high of $70.85, up from a closing price of 60 cents on Jan. 6, a day before Musk’s tweet. The stock saw its highest trading volume since going public in 2014 on Monday; more than 2 million shares changed hands, while on Jan. 4, not a single share of the stock was traded. Signal Advance, which reported receiving no revenue in 2015 and 2016, is now worth more than $3 billion.
It closed at $38.70 today.
For those who haven't been following, GameStop (GME) has been on a crazy tear due to a massive short squeeze that seems to be caused by wallstreetbets on Reddit. It was a $6 stock a few months ago and closed at $147.98 when the market closed on Tuesday. A bit after the close, Elon tweeted (as pointed out at https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/26/gamestop-jumps-as-elon-musk-tweets-out-reddit-board-thats-hyping-stock.html) "Gamestonk!"

It went past $240 after hours. This morning, at around 2 am Pacific, I guess when extended hours trading re-opened, it was past $330.
Not sure if this is real as I'm not on Discord: https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/l5txdq/elon_musk_cosigns_amc_in_wallstreetbets_discord/. Someone posted a screenshot at work.

AMC and KOSS have gone crazy recently, in addition to GME.
Elon Musk produced a techno track about NFTs he’s selling as an NFT
‘NFT for your vanity’

Elon Musk crowns himself ‘Technoking’ of Tesla
CFO Zach Kirkhorn is now “Master of Coin”