ATMA blank on CANBUS read

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New member
Apr 9, 2022
I am trying to read the turn indicator light status over canbus on a 2018 40kW leaf.
I have an ELM327 bluetooth adapter that works fine with leafspy on the lead (and torque on my other ICE car)
I followed this guide
I can connect via serial-over-bluetooth

ATI gives the idenfication of the adapter and I get "OK" at the end of each command
But when I get to ATMA, no data is returned - the serial monitor just sits there until I press something and then it returns to the command state - typing eg ATI then gets the correct response.

What am I doing wrong?
I've been doing some more experminting but still at a dead end.
Using ATSP6 to set the canbus protocol which seems like it should be correct.

If I use the same adapter wit hmy vw golf, I get canbus info coming through on ATMA command.

Following the commands on here :

>at h1
>at d1
>at sh 79b
>at fc sh 79b
>at fc sd 30 00 20
>at fc sm 1
>21 02

works and I get a data stream.

I tried chaning atsh 79b and atfcsh 7b to both 358 and I had also seen 745 listed as a possible ID for indicator status, however I just got a short data response.
Again, ATMA just is blank.

As mentioned before, I can use leafspy pro fine on the leaf.
torque pro work fine on the golf too, though I notice when I use torque on the leaf, it says it cant see the ecu (though this may just be because torque is desinged for ICE cars?)

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction?

I am trying to read the turn signal indicators and brake light indicators via canbus