battery discharge

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Sep 4, 2013

I have 2015 Leaf-S.

Does it loose/discharge battery when sitting idle? I had fully charged it last weekend (Fri night)...didn't use it Sat/Sun and noticed that mile-range shown had dropped somewhat Monday morning. When I plugged it in again, it did charge for some time (I think about 30 min or so)...

Is this normal? If I happen to leave it at airport parking for a couple of days, would it loose its battery to some extent? Do I need to find EVSE at parking to keep it charged up for my return trip?

Thanks for your time and help!
The "mile-range" is useless, which is why we call it the GOM (Guess-o-meter). The car draws very little power when turned off, and can sit for weeks without any issue, unless it would be so cold that the battery heater kicks in. There seems to be a lot more problem with the 12 volt battery holding a good charge when the car sits for long periods. Are you sure that you weren't comparing the range on the GOM when the car was in ECO mode vs just turning the car on? ECO mode always makes the GOM add a few more miles.
I don't think so but would test it again this weekend and update. Good to know that it can sit for long periods without loosing much of its battery.

A tip: Don't leave the car plugged in for more than one or two days. It may sound like a good idea, but it actually can cause your 12V battery to discharge.

a "hot charged" car will go noticable further on a charge than a "cold" car.

this is less about total capacity I think and more about it simply being "cold"

if possible I try to arrange it so the car is Just finishing charging when I am ready to leave (the process of charging and using the battery WARMS the battery)

makes a big difference on my 54mile trip at 16'f outside. enough that I could use the heater for the last 25% of the trip :)