Capacity Loss on 2011-2012 LEAFs

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Reddy said:
Hmmm, my mind is seeing a blue Leaf sitting in the sun right now at 100% SOC, perhaps even parked next to a west facing wall with aluminum siding, or at least painted white ;)

Not actually doing much of anything subversive. The only real change in my behavior is that I'm not sparing the horses. It'd D all the way, baby, driven as hard as I care to drive (or as hard as I feel I can drive while taking into account the range I need for that day). It's doing a super job of bringing pack temps up without any shenanigans on my part. Ride hard, put away wet. :D

On days that I need to charge, I charge in the usual way - starting at around 3am for 3-4 hours, to stay within Super Off Peak TOU rates. So maybe the car sits fully charged for a couple of hours in the early morning (normal summer temps in the high-60s to mid-70s in my neck of the woods), but no longer.
mwalsh said:
SilverLeaf said:
I will be taking my LEAF to Nissan at the end of October, no need to put new battery through this summer too

Assuming things go the way I expect/hope, and I loose bar 9 some time within the next two months, I'll wait until after October too. In fact, if my driving needs don't change any between now and December, I may wait until the last couple of weeks my warranty being valid. It'll be an excellent Christmas gift! :D

43.65 AHr, 66.54% Capacity as of last Sunday. Just 0.09AHr away from where jpvleaf lost her 9th bar (though a massive 1.88AHr away from where brettcgb supposedly lost his).

after all you have been thru, I am glad you are maximizing your return. you have it timed just about perfectly!
kolmstead said:
44.25 Ahr tonight. 110 F today. Pack temps about 114 F when I got home. Showed 6 gid and 0.5 kWh left when I shut car off. Restarted to update pack capacity, and turtled instantly. 4 gids, 0.3 kWh. We finally got some summer weather!


Speaking of summer weather:
I parked my Leaf under covered parking at the office last Tuesday morning and returned to the office Saturday night. Here is the display when I started the Leaf to go home at 11:14 pm. Battery temperatures were 106.2, 106.9, and 106.7 at 11:15pm; 109.1, 109.4, and 109.4 after driving home 26 miles (mostly freeway). Battery in 2015 seems to be doing better than batteries in 2011 did in the heat.



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Valdemar said:
Nobody's efforts paid off. The losers who care are stuck with a severely degraded pack after the capacity warranty is over. Speaking from experience.

Not entirely true. We are going to get a $50 check each. Right? Can't wait to get mine. :lol: How do you plan to spend it?

Speaking of degredation, it's been a while since I posted. My 4th anniversary is two days away.

52K miles
49.5 AHr
212 Gids
2 bars down

Degredation doesn't seem as bad as last year so far. Still gets 60 miles on a full tank. We have treated her just like any other car from day one. Frequent 100% charges, sometimes multiple times a day and parked in the Sun for long hours at high SOC. I think I charged to 80% just once. It was too inconvenient and never tried it again.
mwalsh said:
...If you're in an area where there is "No Charge to Charge" you get a credit for charging. You only get a check if there is no "No Charge to Charge" in your locality.
Would be interesting to know what % of the 2011 & 2012 LEAFs are in "No Charge to Charge" location.

And the class action is for a US federal court.
Only applies to purchases and leases in US?
Lost #12 12/03/13, 17550 miles, 28 months owned. AHr=55.45, SOH=84%
Lost #11 06/15/14, 21493 miles, 34 months owned. AHr=50.70, SOH=77%
Lost #10 10/08/14, 23020 miles, 38 months owned. AHr=47.44, SOH=72%
Lost # 9 08/31/15 , 26946 miles, 49 months owned, AHr=42.53, SOH=58%
pchilds said:
Lost #12 12/03/13, 17550 miles, 28 months owned. AHr=55.45, SOH=84%
Lost #11 06/15/14, 21493 miles, 34 months owned. AHr=50.70, SOH=77%
Lost #10 10/08/14, 23020 miles, 38 months owned. AHr=47.44, SOH=72%
Lost # 9 08/31/15 , 26946 miles, 49 months owned, AHr=42.53, SOH=58%

Can you give us the manufacturing date from the driver door jamb label?

| #??
|August 31, 2015
|southern, CA
|26,946 miles
|?? months
|date of manufacture?
pchilds said:

Is that your delivery date?

I'm looking for the build date which is on a label in the door jamb of the car. It won't have a day of the month, it is just month/year.

I'll use 06/11 for now but if you can confirm let us know.
it's 6/11, delivery is 7/31/11.

4 hours at the dealer and the battery is on order, should be here in a week they say.
agnl said:
So I have a 2012 Leaf at 32k miles. My AHr is 46.46, SOH 70%, Hx 50.10%, but I still have the 10th bar. What's the deal with this? Shouldn't I have lost the 10th bar a while ago?

My (well established) estimation of AHr range for bar 10 loss is anywhere from 46AHr to 47.5AHr.
Cool! Thanks for the info people. I'm feeling pretty good about being able to use my warranty- 33k miles on the car and a year and a half left. I'm already at 46.46 and I've got the heat of Sacramento on my side!
I'm an ex-leaf (2012) owner who recently returned it after the lease was up with 33k miles. I'm thinking buying one of these used leafs for $7.5k is really a good deal given how low the maintenance is on these. However with the lease I had capacity loss of 20+ % here in NY where the weather should be fairly gentle on these batteries during the 3 years of ownership. Just thinking out loud here... If I buy a used one I could go to a buddy of mines auto body shop to "bake the paint in a bit" and put it in the oven on say 130f for a few hours every day for a week or two, that should accelerate the aging making it drop them 4 bars quickly enough. Has anyone had success in doing this?
As of the other day, LeafStat is reporting 235 Gids, 92.66% SOC (after charging to 100% and leaving it for a while), 85.36% SOH, 72.78% HX, 56.55 Ahr.

Build date August 2012, leased January 2013 from Tustin Nissan, 26,750 miles.
elmobob said:
I'm an ex-leaf (2012) owner who recently returned it after the lease was up with 33k miles. I'm thinking buying one of these used leafs for $7.5k is really a good deal given how low the maintenance is on these. However with the lease I had capacity loss of 20+ % here in NY where the weather should be fairly gentle on these batteries during the 3 years of ownership. Just thinking out loud here... If I buy a used one I could go to a buddy of mines auto body shop to "bake the paint in a bit" and put it in the oven on say 130f for a few hours every day for a week or two, that should accelerate the aging making it drop them 4 bars quickly enough. Has anyone had success in doing this?

If you get the battery hot it registers the top temperature in a log that can't be erased by you or your buddy. Nissan would know it got too hot if you took it to paint bake temps and disallow the warranty replacement on those grounds.

You can speed it up some by parking in the sun, doing what you can to run the heater as much as possible while driving and charging it to 100% but if you aren't putting a lot of miles on it and it sits on 100% too long that is registered in the log as well. Not as damning but it will stand out if they are already suspicious for any other reason.

Best to pick one that will likely go without you having to game the system if you want the free battery.