CARWINGS tab Enabled on Dashboard

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garygid said:

2. Status of the Charging Stations at the Location. Any hint of number of L1/L2/QC stations, and their "broken" or "busy" status? Or, a phone number to call to check on the status?

I would REALLY like to know the operational & busy status before I deplete e-fuel reserves to divert to get more e-fuel.

So far, the only MAJOR service (while in the car) appears to be locating E-Fuel stations.

I can tell you with certainty that the Leaf will not have functionality to know busy/broken status at launch. The EVSE suppliers ~may~ have this functionality in their own applications such as the iphone apps ChargePoint (Couloumb Technoloties) or EV Project (Ecotality) but it won't be in the car. I know Nissan would like to get that information into the car but it would require more real time integration with the EVSE vendors and that doesn't exist yet.

If you want to continue this thread though - please open it on the EVSE sub forums.
SeattleBlueLeaf said:
I can tell you with certainty that the Leaf will not have functionality to know busy/broken status at launch. The EVSE suppliers ~may~ have this functionality in their own applications such as the iphone apps ChargePoint (Couloumb Technoloties) or EV Project (Ecotality) but it won't be in the car. I know Nissan would like to get that information into the car but it would require more real time integration with the EVSE vendors and that doesn't exist yet.

If you want to continue this thread though - please open it on the EVSE sub forums.
My money is on Google creating a open database system for EVSEs (just like they've done with transit systems across the U.S.).
GroundLoop said:
Oh hell yes! Manuals!

It's also interesting that the dash is 'paired' with the car via PIN & Password. This makes it more likely that the VIN is subject to change, since it doesn't seem to bind the two.

Sorry, the LEAF manual is not listed yet. As for the PIN and Password, the PIN is your account name and the password is randomly set.

Here are a couple more screenshots....


mwalsh said:
garygid said:
Yes, makes me wonder if that VIN in his CARWINGS is just a test-car somewhere to try out the functions, and NOT his LEAF's VIN (which he would put in when it is known).

Actually, my PD and I were speculating just that a few hours ago. Not to throw cold water over Ready4plugin's joy.
I tried alot of variations of "Ready's" VIN# in the Nissan Locator System, and not one possibilty worked. From 200 to 299. None worked to show that it was for a 'built', LEAF. It doesn't mean that he doesn't have a "real" VIN, perhaps Nissan isn't ready to show actual VIN's in the system at this time.

FWIW...I already posted that I too have logged into CarWings. Very limited access at this point.
For those with 8/31 RAQ, try logging into the normal Nissan owners page with the Leaf login. It looks like that is where it is taking him. The early orders may have had their login information transferred over. Only a few seem to have had the links put onto the Leaf site.

mine shows invalid email address. its what i expected with a 9/3 order date. I did not create an account since I don't own any nissans right now and i don't want to screw up anything for when they decide to transfer the information.
my carwings is "enablable" but does nothing. nothing to click on, continue, next or check here accepting terms... only states that someone will be in touch.

for the ones that have VINs you must getting Dec 2010
palmermd said:
For those with 8/31 RAQ, try logging into the normal Nissan owners page with the Leaf login. It looks like that is where it is taking him. The early orders may have had their login information transferred over. Only a few seem to have had the links put onto the Leaf site.

mine shows invalid email address. its what i expected with a 9/3 order date. I did not create an account since I don't own any nissans right now and i don't want to screw up anything for when they decide to transfer the information.

i typed in my name and it filled out the entire registration form for me. but under vehicle type the Leaf if not listed.
Carwings enabled tonight on my account. I have a vin so I need to find and compare now.


XX are made blank. Again - not sure I should care but I'll leave it that way for now.
SeattleBlueLeaf said:

They still appear to be giving bogus VIN numbers for testing. That is not a valid number. CP7 are all invalid values.
Just to add to the confusion, I gained Carwings access tonight and my VIN is


Note the X in place of the 7 everyone else has posted
Lkmtleaf said:
Just to add to the confusion, I gained Carwings access tonight and my VIN is


Note the X in place of the 7 everyone else has posted

my 'X' is a '1'. Dunno if that helps with the deciphering (is that what we're doing?).
Nice to get the CarWings option though.
I tried to create an account earlier using my same email that's tied to my LEAF account. So, when I entered the CarWings site it informed me that email was already taken. Wouldn't let me use the previously created account on nissanusa... (jeez). Had to choose another email but seems fine now.

p.s. "LEAF" option now shows up under the manuals link But doesn't work yet. iPhone App tab is not active.
Got my notice to enable car wings and got a nice shiny VIN as well.

That makes it more real. There is a car out there somewhere and I have the number for it.
