Chasing Ice Movie is Live

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
San Antonio
Chasing Ice is in limited release - folks on the coasts plus Denver, Utah, Chicago, and Hawaii get first dibs.

Showtimes as of 24 Nov:" onclick=";return false;

Some of these showings are only until the 29th so get them while they're...cold...if you're interested.


In the mean time, enjoy some Scarlett Johansson from the sound track:

any link to full movie online? would love to see it but not possible. have trainings most of this week (a MUST attend event) and notice is "kinda" short here.
This is great, Andy. Thanks!
DaveinOlyWA said:
any link to full movie online? would love to see it but not possible. have trainings most of this week (a MUST attend event) and notice is "kinda" short here.
It's not available on-line yet, Dave. It only started limited release on the 16th - sorry for the short notice.
AndyH said:
DaveinOlyWA said:
any link to full movie online? would love to see it but not possible. have trainings most of this week (a MUST attend event) and notice is "kinda" short here.
It's not available on-line yet, Dave. It only started limited release on the 16th - sorry for the short notice.

oh better short notice than no notice. Normally I could probably swing it but this is just a bad week
I went and saw the movie today with my son. We both liked it.

The interesting contrast of the evening was that before the movie we went to the new Tesla store in Toronto that was on the way to the movie. We had been talking about electric cars and I thought it would be cool to see a Tesla. The mall parking lot was jamed. You had to follow people to their cars and wait for them to leave to get a spot. We ended up parking in a spot that was really a half spot with the other half blocked off for some construction.

The movie, on the other hand, was deserted. There were six other people in the theater. Sadly, Consumerism wins the day
"I watch Bill O'Reilly everyday. I love Bill O-Reilly. I'm proud to be an American. But I saw this movie, Chasing Ice, today and it hasn't just changed me about global warming. It has changed me as a person." - A viewer responds to Chasing Ice.

Good movie, thanks for the recommendation. It's been more widely distributed in recent weeks. Here is a taste of what you will see from an earlier RTP2 TV broadcast of a National Geographic special.
