COVID-19 aka 2019 (and 2020) Novel Coronavirus

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Yet another re-infection.

We have so much more to learn about this coronavirus.
Once every one has had trumpvirus it will be about as dangerous as the flu and virtually harmless to people under the age of 44 with no preexisting health conditions.

Indeed. This isn't the first time Oilpan4 has posted incorrect and potentially dangerous information. It is almost certainly incorrect unless he cares to cite reputable physicians (esp. epidemiologist or infectious disease specialists) and/or reputable medical journals/bodies. was a decent piece from over the weekend. It’s about 13 minutes long. It’s free to watch now but I believe will eventually end up behind the CBS All Access paywall. They spoke to numerous doctors including
If you don’t know the name David Ho, your memory is too short. Dr. Ho led the team in the 1990's that created the cocktail of drugs that made HIV/AIDS survivable even though there’s still no vaccine.

His lab at Columbia University was still focused on HIV/AIDS until COVID-19.
Was interesting to hear this answer:
Dr. Ho told us he has never seen the world’s labs dedicate themselves to a single disease as they have for COVID-19. But every doctor we asked answered this question the same way.
Scott Pelley: Would you rather have a mask or a vaccine?
Dr. Christina Brennan: A mask.
Scott Pelley: All this attention is being paid to vaccines. Billions of dollars invested. And you’d rather have a mask. Why?
Dr. Christina Brennan: With our social distancing, wearing of the mask, the data’s already showing that it’s been effective. It’s, you know, cost savings, and it’s effective. And it can go a long way.
For a year or two the mask will likely be the most effective tool. There’s no cure, and no way to know whether the president was helped by Remdesivir or monoclonal antibodies or steroids.
U.S. pauses Eli Lilly's trial of a coronavirus antibody treatment over safety concerns
Oilpan4 said:
Once every one has had trumpvirus it will be about as dangerous as the flu and virtually harmless to people under the age of 44 with no preexisting health conditions.

How many Americans have to die to reach that wonderful state of affairs?
downeykp said:
Leftie, your the mod. He obviously is a trump troll. Delete please.

I may, but it's a slippery slope, Do you want a Mod to delete your post if (s)he disagrees with your opinion on something? Actually, I've been here before. I'll add a warning.
LeftieBiker said:
downeykp said:
Leftie, your the mod. He obviously is a trump troll. Delete please.

I may, but it's a slippery slope, Do you want a Mod to delete your post if (s)he disagrees with your opinion on something? Actually, I've been here before. I'll add a warning.
I agree with adding a warning. I've had a few posts on TMC of mine deleted w/o warning. Not sure why. I don't recall them being "trollish" nor controversial. Seems like it was a mod mistake.

I've had a few (fortunately (?), not many) of my posts end up being moved to a snippiness thread (e.g.
What he is stating is an opinion that 95% of the world do not agree with. As we have seen this opinion has caused a lot of death. We need to remember there are a lot of people who read or hear this cr@p on the Right believe it.
A warning is fine as you have done.
Second Covid-19 infection was fatal. 59 days apart.
Ok let's see some studies of people who are in good health who have caught trumpvirus multiple times.
What happened to them?

As of now the only thing I'm convinced of beyond any doubt is that you people want more lockdowns just to hurt healthy people under the age of 44 who are otherwise mildly effected by the virus.

Change my mind.
WetEV said:
Second Covid-19 infection was fatal. 59 days apart.

A case of 1 proves nothing. I could probably find a story about someone who died after the second time they smoked weed if I was anti MJ.
Also the woman was 89 not under 44 so it's irrelevant.
I have no doubt that if some one 80+ catches it again they are potentially in grave danger.
Oilpan4 said:
Ok let's see some studies of people who are in good health who have caught trumpvirus multiple times.
What happened to them?

As of now the only thing I'm convinced of beyond any doubt is that you people want more lockdowns just to hurt healthy people under the age of 44 who are otherwise mildly effected by the virus.

Change my mind.

It is impossible to change the mind of someone so paranoid as to believe that anyone here, or the finest international scientific/medical minds, are maliciously trying to HURT ANYONE. The doctors are honor-bound to abide by The Hippocratic Oath. Perhaps we should all read it again to remind ourselves of its merit.

Your post is demeaning and insulting to the entire profession of doctors and scientists, many of whom have died because of this virus. You are also insulting anyone here that supports those same scientists and doctors.
gncndad, He is a trump troll. He obviously (like most republican'ts) only cares about himself. He will spew that he is an independent but we know that he is a climate and covid sceptic.
This might have started in China but at least they took the necessary steps so that their economy was not ruined. Unfortunately, the baboon in the White House and our troll want to minimize this self made catastrophe. Instead of doing what other "smart" countries have done we went with the "I am the smartest person in the room" stance on this. How has that worked out for us?

We need to stop feeding him. Maybe he will crawl under his Kremlin rock and shut up. We can only hope.
gncndad said:
Oilpan4 said:
Ok let's see some studies of people who are in good health who have caught trumpvirus multiple times.
What happened to them?

As of now the only thing I'm convinced of beyond any doubt is that you people want more lockdowns just to hurt healthy people under the age of 44 who are otherwise mildly effected by the virus.

Change my mind.

It is impossible to change the mind of someone so paranoid as to believe that anyone here, or the finest international scientific/medical minds, are maliciously trying to HURT ANYONE. The doctors are honor-bound to abide by The Hippocratic Oath. Perhaps we should all read it again to remind ourselves of its merit.

Your post is demeaning and insulting to the entire profession of doctors and scientists, many of whom have died because of this virus. You are also insulting anyone here that supports those same scientists and doctors.

Not what I asked.
The WHO already say lockdowns should not be used as the primary way to control the virus. And that by this time next year the number of impoverished people will double and the number malnutrished children will at least double from damage already done.
My wife works at a hospital so you can take you over offended fake tears off and stuff them down a rabbit hole.
I guess doubling the number of impoverished people isn't enough for you. What is?
I bring food for the Dr and nurses on the night shift where my wife once every week or 2 for the last 4 years. What have you done lately to support your local Dr and nurses besides virtue signal?
downeykp said:
gncndad, He is a trump troll. He obviously (like most republican'ts) only cares about himself. He will spew that he is an independent but we know that he is a climate and covid sceptic.
This might have started in China but at least they took the necessary steps so that their economy was not ruined. Unfortunately, the baboon in the White House and our troll want to minimize this self made catastrophe. Instead of doing what other "smart" countries have done we went with the "I am the smartest person in the room" stance on this. How has that worked out for us?

We need to stop feeding him. Maybe he will crawl under his Kremlin rock and shut up. We can only hope.
Pretend like the "ignore button" is like another pill and use it.
You "heard" him, folks. He wants to be filtered, I'd like him to be filtered, you don't want to read him. Click on his profile, and select "Add Foe" to hide his posts. He'll eventually look for attention elsewhere.
LeftieBiker said:
You "heard" him, folks. He wants to be filtered, I'd like him to be filtered, you don't want to read him. Click on his profile, and select "Add Foe" to hide his posts. He'll eventually look for attention elsewhere.

Oh man if I can get the mods to ignore me... Yeah I would totally go away for sure. Don'tworryaboutit.

What's your best evidence for healthy people under the age of 44 getting the virus multiple times and it being anymore than an inconvenience?
Forget the study im sure you wasted at least 20 minuts Googling for it, I'll even settle for a few cherry picked articles that could convince a hypochondriac to be a little concerned.
My father was a full blood hypochondriac so I know what bugs them.
I'm setting the bar low enough for a 1 year old to crawl over. You got this.
Oilpan4 said:
What's your best evidence for healthy people under the age of 44 getting the virus multiple times and it being anymore than an inconvenience?
Forget the study im sure you wasted at least 20 minuts Googling for it, I'll even settle for a few cherry picked articles that could convince a hypochondriac to be a little concerned.
My father was a full blood hypochondriac so I know what bugs them.
I'm setting the bar low enough for a 1 year old to crawl over. You got this.

I love how you go on ceaselessly about the magical age of 44 and then insinuate others are "cherry-pickers". I guess anyone over 44 can just head to the Carousel. Better than Logan's run I guess.
No need to argue against your strawmen. It seems from your regular postings that you consider anyone who doesn't live like you do, in areas like yours, or doesn't match your demographics, is simply expendable. If that's the case it's dreadful. If it's just a game to you, it's dreadfully boring.