Handout : Nissan Leaf - the unofficial FAQ

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I'm primarily interested in buying an electric car to help rid our (i.e. the Western world's) dependence on foreign oi from unfriendly nations. I would put some general statistics on there about how much oil we import from OPEC, how much less oil we need if we stopped using cars powered by crude oil, etc. It doesn't look like there would be room on your one page pamphlet for that type of information, however.
Ualdriver said:
I'm primarily interested in buying an electric car to help rid our (i.e. the Western world's) dependence on foreign oi from unfriendly nations. I would put some general statistics on there about how much oil we import from OPEC, how much less oil we need if we stopped using cars powered by crude oil, etc. It doesn't look like there would be room on your one page pamphlet for that type of information, however.
Yes - what I need to do is to make a few different handouts.
- Why EVs : EV101 (foreign oil, pollution, AGW etc etc)
- Simplified EVs/Leaf : Leaf101 (simpler than what I have now)
- Generic EVs/Leaf : Leaf201 (what I have now)
- More techy EVs/Leaf : Leaf301 (more techy than what I have now)

Ofcourse, that has to wait for a while.
You did a really good job with this FAQ sheet EVnow. Thanks!

Here's some things I thought may help:

In your title, FAQ should be FAQs.
Under '100 Miles of Range': Higher speeds and use of the heater and or A/C reduce the range.
Under 'Road Trips': Not much charging infrastructure yet means....
Use the LEAF....
Under 'Cost': A LEAF is cheaper than a Toyota Prius.
Under 'Fuel Cost': EPA says a LEAF...
Under 'Battery lasts many years': Nissan warranties the battery....
Under 'Reliability': Even though the LEAF is a brand new....
Under 'New car premium': Even though there is a long waiting list to get a LEAF, because you the consumer decides which dealer to choose, you....
Many dealers offer a $1000 discount or more from the MSRP.
Under 'Waiting Period': Now the waiting period is expected to be about 4-6 months.