I’m filthy rich, according to Fox News.

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Well-known member
Leaf Supporting Member
Nov 3, 2015
Bradenton, Florida, US
She describing who benefits from the recently passed “Inflation Reduction Act” Fox News commentators continuously state rich people who can afford these $100,000 EVs are the ones who benefit from the tax credit. My top of the line Nissan SL Plus EV sells for less than the average new car and 1/2 the price of my Ford Superduty Truck. What am I missing here?

Not everyone buys a new $100,000 Tesla model S.
The funny thing is the IRA is actually reducing the income limit to $150k/$225k/$300k from unlimited. Not something I have to worry about, but some do.
Flyct said:
She describing who benefits from the recently passed “Inflation Reduction Act” Fox News commentators continuously state rich people who can afford these $100,000 EVs are the ones who benefit from the tax credit. My top of the line Nissan SL Plus EV sells for less than the average new car and 1/2 the price of my Ford Superduty Truck. What am I missing here?

Not everyone buys a new $100,000 Tesla model S.
That explains why a trumper relative who was at a family get-together yesterday was spouting off about "why should they have to pay for millionaires to purchase expensive EVs" I'm 99% sure they are avid Fox "News" watchers. They were probably just spouting off what they'd been seeing on Fox earlier :roll:
I didn't even get into the inaccuracies and a couple hours later drove off in my '12 Leaf :lol:
I don't have pay TV and therefore no Fox News but truthfully I used to occasionally watch Fox News Sunday on FOX OTA to see what the other side was thinking and while quite slanted, Chris Wallace did seem to frequently question the Cool Aid. I can't even watch the current Fox News Sunday, all Cool Aid and nothing else :(
Trumpers who buy an EV are surprised that Fox News is so full of sh1t regarding EVs. I don't think they grasp that all of Fox News is the same garbage.
The NY Times has been pulling some of the same Crap. Whenever a piece there mentions the cost of EVs, they use the average cost - which because of all the luxury & exotic EVs, is $66k.
LeftieBiker said:
The NY Times has been pulling some of the same Crap. Whenever a piece there mentions the cost of EVs, they use the average cost - which because of all the luxury & exotic EVs, is $66k.

Dumb reporting to be sure, but it is not EV specific. It is common to read 'new vehicle ASP.' That of course includes the $40 - $80k big SUVs and trucks which skews away from the median vehicle price, not to mention the median car price. Faux news stands out by cherry picking the stat that matches their intended propaganda.
LeftieBiker said:
I believe that I have diagnosed your problem: you watch Fox "News." Why do you feel this desire to be tortured...?

If I flip on Fox News and my wife come in, the hollering starts right away to turn it off. I watch it to see what propaganda they are spouting. It’s actually quite entertaining and makes me laugh.

My brother in law is a MAGA supporter. When I visited him recently I programmed his cable TV boxes to default to CNN every time he turns the TV on.
My favorite tidbit about Fox 'news' is when Tucker Carlson was sued and Fox successfully used the defense that 'no reasonable person would believe what he says'. I mean, you really can't make this stuff up.

There are a lot of layers to it, from politicians that are taking in money from big oil and business, to countries use gas an oil as their chief export. When I get into a discussion with one of these "useful idiots", I just tell them, "I'm just sick of lining the pocket of big gas and oil, the Saudis, Russia, and other rogue oil-rich nations" and they generally do not know how to respond. I guess they also want the same, but have been programmed to fight for gas/oil.
The Trumper sorts, which covers most of the right wingers, are usually invoking their version of "Get a horse"... Taking the time to actually provide rational answers is usually wasted time, logic and rationality are rare items in the Echo Chambers they prefer to inhabit.

We won't tell them we all secretly are lusting for the new Pininfarina Battista :)