Is it an requirement to have a charging station installed?

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Aug 23, 2010
You you have to order the charging station before you can order a leaf?

I would only drive the car about 15 miles a day and could easily charge up with the trickle charger initially.

and do i have to buy the charging unit through the nissan website or can i get a third party that is not affiliated with nissan to install it?

does anyone know of the cheapest way to get a charging station in southern california?
No, there is no requirement to install a charging station, the L1 20-hour EVSE that Nissan includes with the car should work fine for such little usage.

However, to RAQ & Order, you need to ask Nissan to "enable the waiver" on your account so that you can order without having the $100 AV assessment at least scheduled.
This question should be in the EVSE Q&A- The answer is no and you can sign a waiver with Nissan. Call the customer support.
This question should be asked in the EVSE info thread.
ok i just did the live chat and he told me that I do not have to have the charging dock installed to order.

he also said that anyone who ordered in aug or sept will get their leaf in december in southern california.

i have a nov order and he said, I would take delivery 3-4 months after my delivery date.