Is it normal to get only 2.5 miles per kwh in winter with a new Leaf?

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Leaflief said:
I made it home last night with only 1 bar left in -20 temps. No heater running (that's right!): only the heated seat, a lap blanket and a down jacket. Was frightening to see how quickly the bars disappeared in extreme cold. I slowed down to 20mph for the last 5 miles to conserve power, figuring it was better to get home a little later than needing to walk the last mile or so in those temps. I love this car, but sometimes it requires a lot of dedication!

I'll concede that for the ordinary driver, used to conveniences like a warm vehicle, an all-electric might not be the best choice for hilly Vermont in the middle of winter.

2012 SL with 16K miles, 11 bars left, bought used.

you sound like an add for LEAF Spy. extreme measures in the last 5 miles is simply not being prepared early. This is a mistake I frequently made during the early days. it did not take me long to understand that range planning needs to start from mile one.

my advice; make sure you review your daily weather reports and do not assume that weather in your neighborhood will be the same 25 miles up the road