Is it possible to have zero battery degradation?

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Aug 21, 2013
My leaf is a 2013 Japanese model that I have had for just over a year.
I have driven just over 20,000 miles.
Leaf spy states:
36 Quick charges
1392 L1/L2 charges
I was expecting to lose some measurable capacity by now.
Surely this cannot fit the degradation model?
I would appreciate any thoughts.
Firstly, people would like to know your location. Add it to your profile please. Weather makes a big difference on degradation

Regarding 2013+ degradation, I have a feeling that aside from chemistry tweaks, Nissan added a few additional cells to buffer the 100% SOH reading.

My key metric is keeping an eye on the AHr #. Anything above 66.25 will show as 100% SOH. Whether your AHr is your 66.25 or 90, your SOH should always be 100%. Under 66.25, the SOH starts falling. With you just under the 66.25 value, you should start seeing that # drop in the next few thousand miles, depending on weather.

How many gids are you seeing after a full charge?

I also have about 20k miles and my AHr is 67.36, with up to 284 gids.
We've seen '13s and '14s with above 100% SOH/Hx. My guess is you have lost a few percent but started a few percent above "rated"
paulhome said:
My leaf is a 2013 Japanese model that I have had for just over a year.
I have driven just over 20,000 miles.
Leaf spy states:
36 Quick charges
1392 L1/L2 charges
I was expecting to lose some measurable capacity by now.
Surely this cannot fit the degradation model?
I would appreciate any thoughts.

Very similar figures here on my 2011 model in Ireland;
32,000km (~20,000miles)
37 QCs
1443 L1/L2 charges
Sorry, I forgot to put that I am in the UK. I have updated my profile. Very interesting to see that the Irish car is almost identical!
Thank you.
paulhome said:
Sorry, I forgot to put that I am in the UK. I have updated my profile. Very interesting to see that the Irish car is almost identical!
Location, location, location. Those cool temperatures make all the difference.
Stoaty said:
paulhome said:
Sorry, I forgot to put that I am in the UK. I have updated my profile. Very interesting to see that the Irish car is almost identical!
Location, location, location. Those cool temperatures make all the difference.

Has anyone collected empirical data on how climate affects degradation? For example, I am in Atlanta, GA. Any studies on what I can expect with our climate?
jlatl said:
Stoaty said:
paulhome said:
Sorry, I forgot to put that I am in the UK. I have updated my profile. Very interesting to see that the Irish car is almost identical!
Location, location, location. Those cool temperatures make all the difference.
Has anyone collected empirical data on how climate affects degradation? For example, I am in Atlanta, GA. Any studies on what I can expect with our climate?
Look at Stoaty's post right above yours and his sig.
scottf200 said:
Look at Stoaty's post right above yours and his sig.
Yes, the Battery Aging Model (link in my signature) and surrounding sections of the Wiki will tell you everything we know about capacity loss for the Leaf, although empirical data used to tune the model was from 2011-2012 Leafs. Later model years may not behave the same.