Is Nissan using the WRONG marketing strategy

My Nissan Leaf Forum

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the thing i got over the gas powered appliances commercial is not the environmental thing at all. it was the convenience. the gas appliances were harder to start, louder, smoky and overall, much more inconvenient than just flipping a switch for an electrical appliance.

and that is exactly what the Leaf is. i average 5 fill ups every 2 months on the Prius. Each fill up is anywhere from a 7 to 20 minute detour in my life.

now, i get gas at Costco. its a 200 yard detour from my daily commute. but its not open at 5:30 AM when going to work, so i have to stop by there at 5:00 PM when getting off work which is in the middle of rush hour traffic at one of the busiest intersections in town. having to get out of line to get gas REALLY SUCKS

the Leaf on the other hand is soooo pathetically convenient it is not really a fair comparison. in fact, its not really a fair comparison on so many different levels it is almost an unfair advantage to drive EV