Jade Frost Metallic Opinions?

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2011
West Puget Sound, WA
Hello. We just sold our 2011 Leaf with 67 kmi and 10 of 12 battery bars remaining that we bought new in 12/11. We are planning on purchasing a new 2019 Leaf in August or September. We are leaning toward the Jade Frost Metallic color, but have never seen one, and the dealer says they are kind of rare so he cannot get one for us to see. So, if you have a Jade Frost Metallic Leaf, how do you like the color? It looks very nice to me and my wife in the pictures... The Deep Blue Pearl and Gun Metallic ones looked nice in person. What color do you all like best (I know, that's a bad question...). Thank you!!
An employee at Carr Subaru in Beaverton OR bought a Jade Frost LEAF.

Attempting to post a photo....might not work.

Personal preference of course but the Jade is a very nice color in person. Very subtle, tasteful and unique. Go for it!

countryleaf said:
Hello. We just sold our 2011 Leaf with 67 kmi and 10 of 12 battery bars remaining that we bought new in 12/11. We are planning on purchasing a new 2019 Leaf in August or September. We are leaning toward the Jade Frost Metallic color, but have never seen one, and the dealer says they are kind of rare so he cannot get one for us to see. So, if you have a Jade Frost Metallic Leaf, how do you like the color? It looks very nice to me and my wife in the pictures... The Deep Blue Pearl and Gun Metallic ones looked nice in person. What color do you all like best (I know, that's a bad question...). Thank you!!
Mine is Jade Frost. Depending on the lighting, it changes color from greenish to almost silver. Gun metallic is too close to the color of pavement so it blends in and becomes invisible to others (experienced during test drive). Plus being lighter color , it heats up less in summer. I got a good deal on it too- wasn't the most popular color here ;)
My favorite is the teal color (China blue) they have in Japan; two-tone with black. From what's available here I'd probably go with the jade frost.
As a 2018 Jade Frost owner myself, I like the colour. I can easily spot my car in a parking lot. Whenever we buy a car, the wife always chooses the colour. They are rare indeed, I only see one other in my neighbourhood from time to time.

In Canada, the Jade Frost colour is no longer available for the 2019 year. Don't know why they did that, as all Leafs for the Canadian market are manufactured in Tennessee.