James Woolsey: Oil Addiction and Islamic Fundamentalism

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Jun 13, 2011
Hard to believe that this video is almost four years old now. Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

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One of the top reasons why I'm attracted to electric drive is precisely the same thing Woolsey said here. We fuel the fire of their hatred mostly because of our addiction to oil and our desire to secure strategic oil interests in that region. This results in covert operations, aerial attacks, wars, occupations, etc... People don't like our involvement in the middle east. I like how he said to look in the mirror. That's a very bold statement. I think our support of Israel is a close second, our tolerance for things contrary to Islam is probably third- but I don't think any of those reasons inspire as much hate as our foreign policy, which is DIRECTLY related to our addiction to oil. :(
kubel said:
but I don't think any of those reasons inspire as much hate as our foreign policy, which is DIRECTLY related to our addiction to oil. :(
I agree 100%. If we didn't need oil from those countries, nobody would pay any attention to what is going on over there.