My first 100+ mile round trip. (Update - I made it!)

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2013
Lansing MI
My family and friends are sick of my EV talk. This is the only place I can go!

I am really excited to take my 22 month old son to see my dad/grandpa who lives approx 55 miles away.

I want to do this to prove to my self and others that a trip like this is no big deal - routine.

I planned my route tonight letting the car's GPS to pick the 'eco route'. Country-two lane roads mainly. Roads I have never been on which is kind of neat because I have lived in this great state all of my life and never traveled them...

After reviewing the route I think I planned way too much time for charging at grandpas; another good thing.

I also look forward to stretching the range of this car this summer and learning how to plan trips to all 3 of my sons grandparents in all 4 seasons. Id love to stop at a charging station in one of the suburban cities for lunch. Michigan area is thin on charging stations but once this hits.. its going to boom.


I drove a total of 111 miles. Left the house at 9:30am 100% charge, drove 52 miles or so 30% charge, drove a few miles giving my family a ride showing it off a little, charged 6 hours using Level 1 from an outlet in the garage, headed home at 60% charge, made it home 5 miles after low battery warning rolling in the driveway at 12% 7:15pm. No turtle mode; some hyper-mileing in the beginning to be on the safe side. Drove at slightly above posted speeds in the presence of other cars. I plan on doing this round trip many more times this summer. The destination is a lake property and we spend several hours on the lake each time we go; often spending the night, so 6+ hours of my car sitting there charging is no big deal.
Well to play devil's advocate for a bit.. It can't be routine if you have to plan for it. I have done one or two 100+ mile trips in my Leaf where I knew there was L2 charging stations at the destination.
Am I right to assume you will only have 120 wall outlet access at your family's place? Do you know for sure where you will be able to plug-in and that it won't trip the circuit breaker? Do you plan on taking a heavy duty extension cord just in case? (I had to run an extension cord into my sister's basement because all her outdoor and garage outlets couldn't cut it.) How long did you plan to charge there? It could take a while to sufficiently recharge for the drive home if you're using the trickle charger, but that just means you will have more quality time with family. If this is a trip you plan on making often and don't always want to stay all day or overnight, you may want to look into the EVSE upgrade and convince your family to let you install a 240 line (assuming they don't already have one) or follow the more expensive route and install a Level 2 charge station. Level 2 charging would make your trip much more routine.
adric22 said:
Well to play devil's advocate for a bit.. It can't be routine if you have to plan for it. I have done one or two 100+ mile trips in my Leaf where I knew there was L2 charging stations at the destination.
It becomes routine if he can easily and regularly make the trip. The first time needed careful planning, but from now on it sounds like the only "planning" he needs to to charge the car up before he goes.
Publius said:
Am I right to assume you will only have 120 wall outlet access at your family's place? Do you know for sure where you will be able to plug-in and that it won't trip the circuit breaker? Do you plan on taking a heavy duty extension cord just in case? ... If this is a trip you plan on making often and don't always want to stay all day or overnight, you may want to look into the EVSE upgrade ...
I second both of these recommendations. A good extension cord (50ft, 12ga) would be a sound investment, and an EVSEupgrade with an L6-20 extension cord, and adapters for 120v and the two common dryer plugs an even better one.
I agree an upgraded cord and 240v charging would be ideal at home and my frequent destinations. However... I am just not ready to do it yet. I have this crazy idea that I can live with this 120V and public charging.

Level 1 is working for us since our daily commutes are rarely more than 60 miles round trip (if we criss-cross town running errands). When we do make longer trips we will just have to plan.

If we dont have time to charge on the longer trips; we will just have to take our 2nd car (gas). The 'around town' fuel savings the Leaf is providing is all ready significant. We have saved at least $60 in fuel and owned it less than a week!
Publius said:
It could take a while to sufficiently recharge for the drive home if you're using the trickle charger, but that just means you will have more quality time with family.

At only 55 miles each way, it would mean that you'd only need to charge for a few hours. As if that's somehow a bad thing when you're visiting Grandpa. :)
DaveinOlyWA said:
if he made it at this time of year, he will be breezing come Summer.
And literally impossible in the MI winter, even if he doesn't use the heat.

It's a lot of miles in one day, though.
EatsShootsandLeafs said:
DaveinOlyWA said:
if he made it at this time of year, he will be breezing come Summer.
And literally impossible in the MI winter, even if he doesn't use the heat.

It's a lot of miles in one day, though.

Winter is a crap shoot. there will be days where a 20 hour charge might be required to get home but that can be mitigated by driving slower to get there. Its always a bit of planning required. its different than planning with a gasser but all cars require some planning no matter what the propulsion system
I can relate with your enthusiasm for showing and sharing with the world that the LEAF can be taken on an extended range trip without difficulty. I took my LEAF from Burlington, VT to Gorham, NH (130 miles) with one half charge stop in Montpelier, and a second charge of ~15 miles to get to Gorham. I drove to the MT Washington Auto Road and climbed MT Washington twice over a two day time span. The ascents consumed 46 and 48 battery percentage respectively, and regenerated 25 percent battery charge by the time I reached the bottom both times. After a full charge in Gorham overnight, I drove the LEAF the 70 something miles direct to Montpellier (skipping the short "safety charge I did before). In Montpelier, I charged about 50 percent again (1&1/2 hours) to go the 40 miles left to Burlington. And yes, my LEAF does now proudly wear the "this car climbed MT Washington" badge of honor! :)
Great car!!