My first commute to/from work in my Leaf

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mogur said:
In most gasoline ICE cars, turning off the engine to coast IS somewhat dangerous however. With the engine off, you lose vacuum to the brake booster and power steering boost. Both could be problematic if you suddenly need to stop quickly or make an evasive maneuver.
This depends on the vehicle, but while PS does go away, it's not a real liability until we coast into a parking lot. My car does have a separate vacuum pump but it's driven from the engine. I have enough vacuum stored in the brake system for two hard brake applications and then we're back to old-skool 'press hard to stop'. Leaving the ignition key on means an instant restart is always a popped-clutch away and full boost returns immediately. As with anything else, if it doesn't feel right then stay away. ;)

mogur said:
If equipped with an automatic transmission, it can also be harmful to that, particularly if done at speed (the engine generally drives the pump which provides lubrication, and pressures can build up in the tranny with the engine off).
I've never owned an automatic transmission so not a limitation in my world.

mogur said:
Regardless, I think engine off coasting brings to many liabilities for the very slight gain it provides.
A 2-mile downhill at around 55mph with the engine off returns very good economy indeed. ;)

No worries, mogur - there's plenty of room on the planet for both of us to live as we wish. :D
mwalsh said:
Oh gosh. Am I going to earn myself yet more demerits by calling another new user a troll? Come on.....that one's a gimme, surely?
Yes, troll likelihood came to my mind, and I know you should never feed the trolls, but I'm not ready to convict a person of being a troll until they have made themselves a pest with a series of inciting and baseless posts. Don't worry though, Mike, you get no demerits from me. ... Umm, ... how many did you give me?
Jimmydreams said:
I have a 63.1 mile round trip commute to/from work, almost all highway, and today was my first full day with my Leaf. Here's the breakdown:

So what did I learn from this?? Leave home with a full your speed and if possible, avoid some of the hills and don't coast down them in neutral. If you're in doubt about the distance, use ECO mode on the front end to guarantee extra mileage on the back end. I'm certain I can increase that average of 3.4mi/kW number, which will increase my range. I am POSITIVE that if I'm careful, this car will more than fulfill my commuting needs. I'll use ECO mode both ways if I must, and save the FUN driving for the shorter trips. I knew going into this car that 63 daily miles was asking a lot, but the car can easily do it. And that is BEFORE I charge at work. I will be in my boss's office Monday morning asking about a plug. If I can charge at work, it'll be non-ECO fun both ways!!

This is my first EV. Like my first hybrid, there are a lot of little tricks you can learn to increase your MPG. I need to learn some of the EV tricks to extend my range.


You are about a month into your commute -- so how's it going? Still feeling good about it? Are you still charging to 100%? Any more range anxiety? My commute is similar and my leaf will be coming soon...

jhm614 said:

You are about a month into your commute -- so how's it going? Still feeling good about it? Are you still charging to 100%? Any more range anxiety? My commute is similar and my leaf will be coming soon...


Hey, what am I....chopped liver? ;) You won't have any problems on a 60-65 mile r/t commute, even with AC, so long as you keep the speed down to around 65mph. Although trying to do that commute while charging to only 80% will be uncomfortable. Or at least it was for me.
jhm614 said:

You are about a month into your commute -- so how's it going? Still feeling good about it? Are you still charging to 100%? Any more range anxiety? My commute is similar and my leaf will be coming soon...


No problems at all. I charge to 100%. I am driving 60-65mph, and have learned to REALLY enjoy the drive (for a change!). The car is really peaceful at those speeds. Good tunes on the radio and I'm fine.... :mrgreen:

I sometimes drive in to work only having used 4 bars, and I arrive at home with 3 bars constantly, occasionally 4!! I use climate control sparingley but I could splurge every day and still not really have any problems. On cold mornings, I precondition remotely to warm up the interior. It might be my imagination, but it SEEMS to me that I get more mileage out of the same number of bars if I precondition.....???

It's raining today and I've noticed that between headlights, wipers, and wet roads about a 10% increase in power usage. I'm expecting to arrive home lower than normal, but still within comfort levels. Also, I do NOT charge at work. ( :evil: )

After you get your car, you'll learn to watch the battery bars more than anything, and if you're like me, you'll play a game of trying to get the computer to maximise the miles remaining number.

If you have specific questions, let me know. But otherwise, I'm very happy with the car. :mrgreen:
Jimmydreams said:
I sometimes drive in to work only having used 4 bars, and I arrive at home with 3 bars constantly, occasionally 4!! I use climate control sparingley but I could splurge every day and still not really have any problems. On cold mornings, I precondition remotely to warm up the interior. It might be my imagination, but it SEEMS to me that I get more mileage out of the same number of bars if I precondition.....???

It's raining today and I've noticed that between headlights, wipers, and wet roads about a 10% increase in power usage. I'm expecting to arrive home lower than normal, but still within comfort levels. Also, I do NOT charge at work. ( :evil: )

My 61 mile/65mph max r/t has me arrive at work having used 4 bars and get home with 4 left on a fairly consistent basis. Maybe three if I've behaved a little badly speed-wise and/or used the AC for the trip home. It's hasn't been cold enough this year for me to need pre-conditioning of the cabin (but then, I run pretty hot). No charging at work either, and no ECO mode.
mwalsh said:
Jimmydreams said:
I sometimes drive in to work only having used 4 bars, and I arrive at home with 3 bars constantly, occasionally 4!! I use climate control sparingley but I could splurge every day and still not really have any problems. On cold mornings, I precondition remotely to warm up the interior. It might be my imagination, but it SEEMS to me that I get more mileage out of the same number of bars if I precondition.....???

It's raining today and I've noticed that between headlights, wipers, and wet roads about a 10% increase in power usage. I'm expecting to arrive home lower than normal, but still within comfort levels. Also, I do NOT charge at work. ( :evil: )

My 61 mile/65mph max r/t has me arrive at work having used 4 bars and get home with 4 left on a fairly consistent basis. Maybe three if I've behaved a little badly speed-wise and/or used the AC for the trip home. It's hasn't been cold enough this year for me to need pre-conditioning of the cabin (but then, I run pretty hot). No charging at work either, and no ECO mode.

I have amost the same distance as mwalsh, (60 miles round trip with 75% freeway), and when I get home I normally have 4 bars remaining with 28-30 miles left on my estimated distance. This is with a 100% charge (not brave enough for 80% yet).
I want to thank all of you that have your LEAFs, especially "no chopped liver mwalsh", jimmydreams, and ready2plugin for sharing your range experiences.

Our LEAF is due to be delivered in March. Our usage will be 15 miles into town, some at 55mph and most at 65mph. Maybe 10 to 20 miles in town and return. Most of our climate control will be for heating. I'm thinking that we may be able to get away with 80% charge.

My question to you all is what have you experienced with pre-heating your vehicle? Is it best to pre-heat then leave the climate control off, or engage it as soon as you disconnect from the EVSE? I know the amount of time the cabin will stay comfortable will depend on the ambient temperature but I'm wondering how good the insulation is in the vehicle. Any thoughts?
ERG4ALL said:
I want to thank all of you that have your LEAFs, especially "no chopped liver mwalsh", jimmydreams, and ready2plugin for sharing your range experiences.

Our LEAF is due to be delivered in March. Our usage will be 15 miles into town, some at 55mph and most at 65mph. Maybe 10 to 20 miles in town and return. Most of our climate control will be for heating. I'm thinking that we may be able to get away with 80% charge.

My question to you all is what have you experienced with pre-heating your vehicle? Is it best to pre-heat then leave the climate control off, or engage it as soon as you disconnect from the EVSE? I know the amount of time the cabin will stay comfortable will depend on the ambient temperature but I'm wondering how good the insulation is in the vehicle. Any thoughts?

It's still pretty cold here in the morning, so I like getting into a nice warm car, so I preheat. I use the heater when I need to on the way to work, normally to keep the windows from fogging up, and its always nice enough on the way home to keep the heater off. I always have the radio on, but that is a very low draw. I received a plug in seat warmer as a Christmas gift, but I have not put it in the car yet, but soon I'll give it a try.
ERG4ALL said:
I want to thank all of you that have your LEAFs, especially "no chopped liver mwalsh", jimmydreams, and ready2plugin for sharing your range experiences.

Our LEAF is due to be delivered in March. Our usage will be 15 miles into town, some at 55mph and most at 65mph. Maybe 10 to 20 miles in town and return. Most of our climate control will be for heating. I'm thinking that we may be able to get away with 80% charge.

My question to you all is what have you experienced with pre-heating your vehicle? Is it best to pre-heat then leave the climate control off, or engage it as soon as you disconnect from the EVSE? I know the amount of time the cabin will stay comfortable will depend on the ambient temperature but I'm wondering how good the insulation is in the vehicle. Any thoughts?

With those mileages, you'll have NO problem with 100% charge (feeling like driving @80mph? :mrgreen: ) and possibly 80% charge as well if you're mildly careful. Enjoy!!

As to preconditioning...since there is no 'engine heat' to take advantage of, I try and keep the climate control on if it's cold out after preconditioning...otherwise, you've heated the air in the cabin, but you wind up letting the heater fluid cool off on your drive, costing more energy to reheat if you need it. That's my impression anyway....YMMV.
As to preconditioning...since there is no 'engine heat' to take advantage of, I try and keep the climate control on if it's cold out after preconditioning...otherwise, you've heated the air in the cabin, but you wind up letting the heater fluid cool off on your drive, costing more energy to reheat if you need it. That's my impression anyway....YMMV.

Thanks. I hadn't thought about reheating the exchanger. A BTU is a BTU so it probably won't save any energy to run with climate control off. The only way we may be able to save a little energy is to preheat the car higher than we would like and when we disconnect to turn the setting cooler. At least until the heater fluid cools down to the new setting we may be able to save a little.
ERG4ALL said:
The only way we may be able to save a little energy is to preheat the car higher than we would like and when we disconnect to turn the setting cooler. At least until the heater fluid cools down to the new setting we may be able to save a little.

fyi, the car will only pre-heat (or pre-cool depending on the weather) to 77 degrees, you can't adjust that.
(you beat me)
With pre-heating, there is presently only one temperature "goal" (setting), which is 77 degrees.

Hopefully Nissan will add the ability to specify both a heat-to and a cool-to setting.

I'm wondering if you have experimented with any off freeway commutes, specifically, El Camino Real through Rancho Santa Fe exiting at Del Mar Heights Rd. When the freeway is backed up, I tend to take this route. The other day I was on it and was trying to compare it to the coastal bluffs and hills along I-5. It appears to me to follow the river beds and lagoon areas and doesn't contain a lot of grades. Wondering if it will give better range.,+CA&hl=en&msa=0&msid=205060422280177305464.00049c6adb69e19010213&ll=32.997434,-117.227383&spn=0.105819,0.107632&z=13
jcesare said:

I'm wondering if you have experimented with any off freeway commutes, specifically, El Camino Real through Rancho Santa Fe exiting at Del Mar Heights Rd. When the freeway is backed up, I tend to take this route. The other day I was on it and was trying to compare it to the coastal bluffs and hills along I-5. It appears to me to follow the river beds and lagoon areas and doesn't contain a lot of grades. Wondering if it will give better range.,+CA&hl=en&msa=0&msid=205060422280177305464.00049c6adb69e19010213&ll=32.997434,-117.227383&spn=0.105819,0.107632&z=13

I'm guessing that would give BETTER range than the highway. I take the 5 pretty much religiously, but the times when traffic is backed up, I see MUCH better range. The Leaf definitely likes slower traffic. One of these days (when I have the time to spare) I'll take the coast highway all the way home from work and see how that affects the remaining range when I pull into my driveway. I'll let ya know.. :ugeek:
jcesare said:
El Camino Real through Rancho Santa Fe exiting at Del Mar Heights Rd. When the freeway is backed up, I tend to take this route. The other day I was on it and was trying to compare it to the coastal bluffs and hills along I-5. It appears to me to follow the river beds and lagoon areas and doesn't contain a lot of grades.
In my opinion, that route is just as hilly as I5...

If you have to take Encinitas west back to I5 you'll have two decent hills to go over to get there.