Nissan adding quick charging at 100 dealerships

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Are we up to 100 yet? Or 500?

Seems Nissan has learned how to post new and upcoming QCs to PlugShare, and that's easier than having to ferret them out ourselves. It would be nice if they could get the LEAF staff at such a dealership to post a photo when it's installed, and save us having to confirm it ourselves.

They're still popping up in southern New England, with more to come. I really love watching this phenomenon emerge.
According to the CHAdeMO association website there are 592 now... close to 600 nationwide... Keep it going guys... build the North American Charger Network out!
Denver just recently unveiled 2 new DCQC's in Downtown Denver that were donated by Nissan... they were installed in 2 public parking garages.

They are the same ABB style chargers that I have seen installed at dealerships in CO. I wonder if these are the cheaper high altitude chargers?