[PHASED-OUT]: Tracking the $5k California CVRP Fund

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gbshaun said:
LEAFer said:
Funds as of 11:49am this rainy Saturday morning are just a smidgen over 25% remaining. That's 525 LEAFs "to go".
I've been tracking it lately, and at the current rate it's heading for depletion right around the end of June.

Interesting from my POV. End of June is my estimated delivery window... And July 1 is the sales tax drop day. Humm. I would suspect that if the fund was depleted, one would be first in line for replenishment...

Humm again... Not to worry.
JimSouCal said:
gbshaun said:
I've been tracking it lately, and at the current rate it's heading for depletion right around the end of June.

Interesting from my POV. End of June is my estimated delivery window... And July 1 is the sales tax drop day. Humm. I would suspect that if the fund was depleted, one would be first in line for replenishment...

Humm again... Not to worry.
I hadn't realized our sales tax was going down on July 1st. Given the debt CA has, shouldn't it be staying the same, or even going UP instead?
So for Leaf buyers, those who get the shaft the most would be anyone who buys at the end of June, just after the fund has expired!
Will folks be holding off buying their cars for a few days to save the 1% ?
gbshaun said:
Will folks be holding off buying their cars for a few days to save the 1% ?

In my case, it would be about $330, and waiting an estimated 6 days--which, if it resulted in losing the rebate, might be pretty foolish.
I read in the SD Union Trib that the Vehicle License Fee (VLF) probably is going down also by 0.5% for a total of 1.5% or about $525. It might be worth it if the $5K CVRP fund is depleted towards the end of June to wait to July 1 to save $525. The CVRP still will pay $2500 but we might have to wait a few months. Better late than never!
Can I ask where you got the information about the $5,000 CVRP rebate being reduced to $2,500 once it runs out and it has to be replenished? Is this a fact or is this what you think?

I have a delivery estimate of June 23 and would like to delay pick up until July to take advantage of the tax reduction. I thought that the $5,000 rebate would not change and, once the fund is depleted, you would be in line for the $5,000 once the funds are replenished.
juniorboy90210 said:
Can I ask where you got the information about the $5,000 CVRP rebate being reduced to $2,500 once it runs out and it has to be replenished? Is this a fact or is this what you think?

I have a delivery estimate of June 23 and would like to delay pick up until July to take advantage of the tax reduction. I thought that the $5,000 rebate would not change and, once the fund is depleted, you would be in line for the $5,000 once the funds are replenished.
Start reading backward in this thread for links to official changes and the thoughts directly from the group that is running the program. It would appear to me it is certain that when the current funding runs out any additional money will be subject to $2,500 limit. If the current money lasts past July 1 it may stay at $5,000 until it runs out.

Top of page 43 explains it pretty clear.
juniorboy90210 said:
Can I ask where you got the information about the $5,000 CVRP rebate being reduced to $2,500 once it runs out and it has to be replenished? Is this a fact or is this what you think?

I have a delivery estimate of June 23 and would like to delay pick up until July to take advantage of the tax reduction. I thought that the $5,000 rebate would not change and, once the fund is depleted, you would be in line for the $5,000 once the funds are replenished.

call CVRP. use the google.
They will explain it to you, gladly.
juniorboy90210 said:
Can I ask where you got the information about the $5,000 CVRP rebate being reduced to $2,500 once it runs out and it has to be replenished? Is this a fact or is this what you think?
Fact. See this CVRP FAQ:

smkettner said:
juniorboy90210 said:
Can I ask where you got the information about the $5,000 CVRP rebate being reduced to $2,500 once it runs out and it has to be replenished? Is this a fact or is this what you think?

I have a delivery estimate of June 23 and would like to delay pick up until July to take advantage of the tax reduction. I thought that the $5,000 rebate would not change and, once the fund is depleted, you would be in line for the $5,000 once the funds are replenished.
Start reading backward in this thread for links to official changes and the thoughts directly from the group that is running the program. It would appear to me it is certain that when the current funding runs out any additional money will be subject to $2,500 limit. If the current money lasts past July 1 it may stay at $5,000 until it runs out.

Top of page 43 explains it pretty clear.

Thank you. CVRP website says that it is to be proposed in June 20 and approved in July so I don't know what the chances that they will reject this proposal and keep it at $5,000. I can only hope.
With June 23rd date you might be able to make a play to delay purchase until July 1 and there would still be funding at the $5,000 level.
I don't necessarily think the $5,000 funding will run out in June. Anything is possible. Just keep an eye on the fund.
stanley said:
evnow- From my rough calculations Nissan has sold about 1200 Leafs in May with about 700 of them to Ca buyers
You were close - so looks like at this rate the remaining funds will be over in June.
juniorboy90210 said:
Thank you. CVRP website says that it is to be proposed in June 20 and approved in July so I don't know what the chances that they will reject this proposal and keep it at $5,000. I can only hope.

My advice, if your car comes in to the dealer and the CVRP web site says that there are still funds available, take delivery immediately and jump online and reserve your $5k rebate. I doubt that you'll see that $5k amount again once the wait list begins. If the fund is depleted when your car comes in, you might as well wait until July if the sales tax and fees are reduced then.
juniorboy90210 said:
smkettner said:
Top of page 43 explains it pretty clear.
Thank you. CVRP website says that it is to be proposed in June 20 and approved in July so I don't know what the chances that they will reject this proposal and keep it at $5,000. I can only hope.
Did you read what smkettner pointed you to? That was written by the Program Manager of the CVRP, and he made it absolutely clear the $2500 is a done deal. Here, follow the link:

evnow said:
stanley said:
evnow- From my rough calculations Nissan has sold about 1200 Leafs in May with about 700 of them to Ca buyers
You were close - so looks like at this rate the remaining funds will be over in June.
I've been tracking it for the past 10 days, and it's quite consistently been depleted (3 day rolling average) such that it'll be gone on 1st July.
Possibly 20 lucky CA residents will get the $5k AND 1% less tax !!
OTOH, some could get only $2.5k and the full sales tax.
gbshaun said:
Possibly 20 lucky CA residents will get the $5k AND 1% less tax !!
OTOH, some could get only $2.5k and the full sales tax.
As Clint Eastwood says, "Do you feel lucky?"
derkraut said:
JimSouCal said:
"Well....do ya? :mrgreen:

Harry Callahan: I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
Hello all,

First off I am sorry that I have been silent this past week, but we have been inundated with rebate applications. That being said, I just posted a blog on our site as well as on Plugincars.com. I have included a n excerpt below as well as a link to ARBs press release, please read both and let me know if you have any questions. They will hopefully cover your questions about the CEC funds, the change in rebate amounts and significant increase in overall program funding.



David Almeida
Program Manager, Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
858.244.1190 phone
858.244.1178 fax
http://www.energycenter.org web

California Energy Commission Extends Clean Vehicle Rebates in California

Today the California Energy Commission (CEC) and the Air Resources Board (ARB) officially finalized an agreement that will make many EV early adopters in California smile. To read the press release, click here. The interagency agreement puts an extra $2 million dollars in the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP). While the CVRP is open to a range of electric, plug-in hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles, this extra boost in funding from the CEC is reserved for highway capable vehicles that can carry four or more passengers. So this essentially is open to three eligible vehicles in the program, the Nissan LEAF, Honda Clarity and the Azure Connect Transit Connect. This extra funding is not the only thing worth noting...

ARB Heavily Investing in EVs in 2012
I know that some readers will not too pleased with the conditions associated with the additional CEC funds, but I do have some good news. In 2012 the CVRP will be getting a significant boost in project funding. ARB will finalize the exact number in July; however staff has recommended an allocation between $12 and $17 million dollars, which roughly translates to rebates for up to 6000 vehicles. Last year ARB dedicated $5 million dollars to the program, which means next year we will have three times the amount of funding for the electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle rebates in California. But, the three-fold increase in funding for the CVRP is not the only thing changing in 2012.

Changes in the Rebate Amount
In an effort to provide more rebates for more consumers, ARB is increasing the available funding and reducing the rebate amounts for 2012. Once 2011 program funds are exhausted (including additional funds from the CEC) rebate amounts will be restructured according to the schedule in the table below.

Vehicle Type Rebate Amount
Light-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle
Type II, III, IV, or V (e.g. Nissan LEAF) $2,500
Type I.5 (e.g. Azure Transit Connect) $2,000
Type I (range = or >50, <75 miles) $1,500
Light-Duty Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (e.g. Plug-in Prius) $1,500
Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (e.g. GEM) $900
Zero-Emission Motorcycles (e.g. Brammo) $900

What Happens When CVRP Funding for 2011 Runs Out?

Both CCSE and the Air Resources Board understand that the CVRP rebate is a major factor in many California residents and businesses decision to purchase a plug-in electric vehicle (PEV). While close to 2000 PEVs will be rebated in the first two years of the program, this just scratches the surface of demand in California. As a result the CVRP may be oversubscribed before next year's (FY 2011-2012) funds are allocated sometime in September.

If the program does run out of money before these funds are allocated, CCSE will generate a waiting list for residents and businesses who apply to the CVRP. Waiting list applicants will receive a rebate based on two factors, their position on the list and the approval of new funding. It is important to note that rebates will be issued to waiting list applicants before new individuals who apply. However there is one caveat. Individuals on this waiting list will be subject to 2011-2012 CVRP guidelines. This means, if you are on the waiting list you will be getting the restructured rebate amount, reflected in the table above.

While rebate amounts will be lower next year, please keep in mind that the Air Resources Board and CCSE are working to adapt the CVRP to accommodate more consumers as the number of available vehicles expands. With more rebates to go around, we are helping to reduce our consumption of petroleum and provide cleaner air for all Californians.
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