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Sep 25, 2010
Hi I want to get a leaf using that lease offer that nissan is offering. but I have a question my daily use in my truck is about 55 miles to 65 miles. my question would be would the leaf be good fit for me? the two ways I take to work and from work one is all hwy with speed ranging from 60 to 75 MPH two stop lights and the other one is 55 MPH with 4 stop signs.
The Leaf will probably come up a little short for you on this. It's really best around 40 miles roundtrip or less, then you have some leftover capability close to home each day for trips to the grocery store, unplanned errands, etc.
65 miles in perfect weather with a brand car and NO heater is certainly possible.

The basic range formula for 65mph is 4 miles/kWh economy multiplied by 21kWh of stored usable energy in the battery equals 84 miles of range.

Range only gets worse with:

1- Heater use (up to 30% reduction)
2- Battery degradation from normal use (and accelerated in hot areas, up to 30% reduction)
3- Battery losses from cold (10% loss at 30F, and 20% loss at -10F)
4- Driving in snow and standing water (affects your pickup truck also)
5- Going up hill, however slight the grade (affects your pickup truck also)
6- Driving into a head wind (affects your pickup truck also)
7- Driving with a heavy load (affects your pickup truck also)

So, at a minimum, assuming perfectly level dry roads in warm air, you will lose 10% of the battery capacity in the first year, and maybe 3% per year after that. It can be better or worse.

Why don't you tell us where you plan to operate this car from and to?
I have a 60 mile round-trip commute and haven't had any problems. But I usually try to keep my speed around 55mph, at least in below-freezing temperatures. When it's 50°F or higher, then 65mph+ is doable.

If you can get access to a charger or an outlet at work, then I'd definitely go for it. Otherwise, I suggest borrowing a Leaf from the dealer for an extended test drive to try out your commute a few times.
I second the advice of borrowing a LEAF from a dealer and trying your commute for a few days. I just completed a two day test drive and found that the LEAF will work for my commute (55miles mostly highway). It did help that the first day the temp was 23F when I left the house. While not a perfect test ( would have preferred a worst case 0F ) it did reassure me that my commute is possible even with the heater in ECO. Not sure why people complain about the heater in ECO mode, seemed warm enough in a good jacket and gloves. As a side note, I do have the possibility of charging at work on days that I needed it, so that helps too.
My advice would be against.

If your workplace has charging available, even standard 120V outlet, that you are guaranteed use of each day, then and only then would I even consider suggesting you drive a Leaf. But even with charging at work, you could be stuck there a while in the event of an emergency that you need to leave sooner than expected.