Remote operation of climate control

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New member
Sep 28, 2011
One of the promised benefits of the Leaf is remote operation of the climate control system. On a cold day, we're supposed to be able to heat the car while it's still connected to our charger, so it doesn't deplete the battery charge. Page EV-14 of our manual says "the vehicle heating and air conditioning system can be turned on via remote control with an internet enabled smart phone or personal computer. This allows the interior of the vehicle to be heated or cooled while the vehicle is charging."

Sometimes we can activate the heater from our computer while the car is plugged in. In these cases, the car starts charging again if it's already completely charged. However, at other times, the climate control system just recirculates cold air.

Page 4-13 of the manual says, "if the air conditioner or heater is on while charging, the climate control system automatically turns off the heater or air conditioning and switches to the air recirculation mode when charging is complete."

Does anyone have any idea why it would be designed this way? Is there any way to ensure that the heater will come on instead of having cold air recirculated when we activate climate control remotely? We know we can get it to work if we disconnect the car from the charger. But, that would defeat the purpose of this feature.
jlectrc said:
Page 4-13 of the manual says, "if the air conditioner or heater is on while charging, the climate control system automatically turns off the heater or air conditioning and switches to the air recirculation mode when charging is complete."

Huh. I don't think I knew it did that.

How about charging to 80% and then being OK with the recommencement of charging taking place while the interior of the car is warming up?

The only thing is, it may cost you a few cents more for that (up to) 20% charge if you are on TOU and are getting a cheaper rate in the overnight hours. I think I would be happy enough settling for ~90% charge, knowing there isn't much to be gained, mileage-wise, between 90% and 100% (typically 3-4 miles).
[speculation hat on]

I'd guess that the heater and air cond. can't be run directly from the EVSE voltage and has to be run from the battery. Not a problem as long as the car is still will be adding charge faster than you're draining it. Once the battery is fully charged, the charger HAS to stop feeding energy (it would damage the battery if it didn't), and the battery would drain behind your back if the heater kept running. If you trigger it when NOT plugged in, I guess the designers assumed that you'd know you were draining the battery.
jlectrc said:
Sometimes we can activate the heater from our computer while the car is plugged in. In these cases, the car starts charging again if it's already completely charged. However, at other times, the climate control system just recirculates cold air.

Page 4-13 of the manual says, "if the air conditioner or heater is on while charging, the climate control system automatically turns off the heater or air conditioning and switches to the air recirculation mode when charging is complete."

Does anyone have any idea why it would be designed this way? Is there any way to ensure that the heater will come on instead of having cold air recirculated when we activate climate control remotely? We know we can get it to work if we disconnect the car from the charger. But, that would defeat the purpose of this feature.

Assuming your car already completed charging before the climate control was activated, the heater or air conditioner should always work. I think the only time they might not is when the car is still charging and the settings priority was set to charging instead of climate control.
I have not seen any reports of actual use of remote climate control, so I conducted a little unscientific test.

Car at 80% charge, SOC meter read the very normal 82.2%, 231 gids, 388 volts. In car temperature 58° F. L1 EVSE plugged in, all blue lights off.

At the iPad, turned climate control on. After a short delay, the display said climate control was on using charger power. The Kill A Watt meter showed 12 Amps draw (normal) and the left most blue light was flashing. In the car, climate control Auto on, recirculate on, AC on, and an amber bar above the Auto flashing.

After 30 minutes, in car temperature was 68° F, SOC read 82.5%, 232 gids, 388 volts. Terminated test.

My conclusions are that if climate control starts after charge is complete, works just dandy, and contrary to some speculation, L1 is sufficient to heat the car.

I did not try starting climate control while still charging, which may be a very different outcome. Maybe another day.

I can't get the climate control to turn on using either the iphone app or the owners web site. I called Leaf support and was told "many people" have this problem with the iPhone app but it should work with the web site. I have tried it with car plugged in and charge complete, and while charging and in every instance I get a failure message. I turned on the car and put the CC in auto mode at 90 degrees, turned it off and tried it again with no luck??
What am I doing wrong??
PBEAR said:
I can't get the climate control to turn on using either the iphone app or the owners web site. I called Leaf support and was told "many people" have this problem with the iPhone app but it should work with the web site. I have tried it with car plugged in and charge complete, and while charging and in every instance I get a failure message. I turned on the car and put the CC in auto mode at 90 degrees, turned it off and tried it again with no luck??
What am I doing wrong??
I don't know that you are doing anything wrong. Can you get the cars status with either the web or the iPhone APP? If you can not get status, then it is a CarWings problem that CS ought to be able to straighten out.

BTW, remote turn on or timer turn on of the climate control ignores any settings you may have set before turning the car off. Nissan has decided that you will get recirculated air, A/C on, and a temperature of ~75° F (I think) regardless of what you would like to have. :cry:

I've tried the remote heating a couple of times after charging to 100%. The SOC meter usually reads between 277 and 280 after 100% charge. The car is connected to a 20A L2 EVSE (230V). After heating for 15-30 minutes, the SOC meter reads 272 or some other value slightly lower than before, but the EVSE is still supplying energy.

I think the heater draws it's 5kW on L2 and the battery supplies the difference between 3.7kW charger power and 5kW heater.
I have a 17 mile round trip commute. Because of this I only charge to 80% every fourth day. I plug the car in everyday when I return from work so that climate control will work for my 5:30am departure. I leave the climate control timer always set for 5:30am. The charge timer I set for 7:00am to 7:00 am. Car is at work so no charge happens.
Car does not charge at all on the days that it is plugged in for climate control. When I return to the car the next morning it shows the same amount of charge as when I plugged it in the day before.
iPhone 4s works flawlessly for charging or for climate control. Today at work I turned on climate control 5 minutes before I left and was welcomed by a nice and toasty car.