SoCal Branch LEAF-Gathering Year 2 - #24c: 25 Aug 2012

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abasile said:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . snip Hoping Tony makes it back home without problems!
Tony texted me saying he left our place with about ± 90% refill . . . . 13ish% remaining when he got back to S.D. - so all the long rangers did ok!
Thanks all for a great get-together! BTW, my car is red, so if I could have made it all the way, there would have been more color.

As I told the group, my arrival planning wasn't so good for the 75 mile trip, and arrived at Hill's house with 6 miles burned into Very Low Battery. Yes, I just about had to walk.

For the return, I left with about 90% and drove 55mph with no Climate Control and easily made it home.

Hill, thanks for the ride (I think we were the last to leave, too) and thanks all who bought t-shirts. I brought my EVSEupgrade version 2 for "show and tell", and a handful of adapter plugs.
It was a very good Gathering, with MANY thanks to our hosts
and to everyone who contributed various consumables,
conversation, show-and-tell, etc.

I now have Feb 18th free, JPVLeaf is busy on the 25th,
and several of our Cluster experssed a desire to attend the
San Diego Gathering on 25 Feb.
Those who want to go should go, since we will have more Gatherings.

However, shall we change our next Gathering to the 18th (from the 25th)?
(or meet both :eek: weekends)

Comments or suggestions?
I might be willing to drive the Prius to San Diego on the 25th,
with 3 passengers, the visit to the Hamburger Factory
for the LEAF Gathering. I live in Laguna Hills, and can accommodate
a LEAF charging while we are gone.

What do you think?
garygid said:
I might be willing to drive the Prius to San Diego on the 25th,
with 3 passengers, the visit to the Hamburger Factory
for the LEAF Gathering. I live in Laguna Hills, and can accommodate
a LEAF charging while we are gone.

What do you think?
Barring a work conflict, I would be interested in attending the San Diego meeting and Leaf-Priusing.

However, I do have the urge to try for a 120+ mile trip which would be the coast to the Williams Freeway or so. Of course I would need a kind soul to charge at their house and take me to the meeting since Poway would be more than a stretch.
Gary's Prius offer is very kind. However, while I personally won't be available on the 25th, it seems to me that LEAF owners in northern San Diego County (perhaps Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, etc.) might be able to make LEAF-frogging a possibility, thus eliminating the need for gasoline to get there.

With help from someone in southern OC as well, 91040 could perhaps do a double LEAF frog. :D
z0ner said:
I can't believe I keep missing this thread. Me and the missus would've loved to be there [SUBSCRIBE] :)
Was hoping you (omkar and other Locals) would RSVP.
Can't get much closer than you guys! Next time,
we'll just have to PM you, the missus and the lil' one. :)
if you're coming from the OC or Riverside County for our San Diego meeting on Feb 25, I can charge at least 2 LEAFs at my house in San Diego, which is just a short hop over to the Hamburger Factory in Poway. In addition, there is Mossy Nissan Poway less than 2 miles away. Finally, it may be possible that we will have both a city supplied generator and other power available at the meeting site.

There should be folks in SD North County who might volunteer to LEAF-frog to Poway.

For those who were interested in the charge port cover, they were shipped today from Japan and there's a good chance I'll have that at the meeting.
Also on the 25th of Feb. is the EVoasis get-together (4 to 10 PM) at Angus' home in Del Mar, about a half mile off I-5 at the Hwy 56 exit (that also goes to Poway).

So, after Poway and before EVoasis, where to "Cluster"?
garygid said:
Also on the 25th of Feb. is the EVoasis get-together (4 to 10 PM) at Angus' home in Del Mar, about a half mile off I-5 at the Hwy 56 exit (that also goes to Poway).

Ya, the other end from Poway of the east/west 56 highway, at the beach.

Is this private, or something he advertised?
He started a thread announcing this." onclick=";return false;

BTW, I am not available the 18th.
garygid said:
Also on the 25th of Feb. is the EVoasis get-together (4 to 10 PM) at Angus' home in Del Mar, about a half mile off I-5 . . . . . . snip
oh YEA . . . . like flys on stink . . . I'm all over that.
I see a S.D. / O.C. Q.C. on the horizon!

I'm in . . . . .WAY in . . . in fact anyone / any group furthering Q.C. . . . . they can consider me their personal gopher - slave - entertainer - coup starter - plumber - baker or pizza maker
JPVLeaf said:
z0ner said:
I can't believe I keep missing this thread. Me and the missus would've loved to be there [SUBSCRIBE] :)
Was hoping you (omkar and other Locals) would RSVP.
Can't get much closer than you guys! Next time,
we'll just have to PM you, the missus and the lil' one. :)

I know, we could have walked over! But then where would the fun be in that? :)
Can't make it this Sat, looking at a civic hybrid. I am very interested in hitching on to the San Diego meet if anyone has a spare seat. ;)
OK, not much interest for the 18th, so we will Gather on the 25th.

If a few want a "Cluster" on the 18th, I should be able to meet you.
Either post here or PM me.

Those going to San Diego on the 25th, go (and return) safely, and hopefully you will tell us all about it in March.

Cheers, Gary