Spreadsheet : VINs, Delivery Dates, Order Dates etc

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Par for the course, really.

I ordered on Sept 3 and had a March delivery date for a few weeks. Now it says April. I'm actually hoping that it changes back to late March, since some Sept 2 orders show March dates and Carwings opening up.
BlueSL said:
Me three. My April date has slipped to May. Sad, really.
Yeah, but your order month is 2 months later than mine and you ordered 6 weeks later than me. So IMO you have nothing to be sad about. :p
Highest reported VIN: 534, I believe.

Delivery Estimates Showing:
Sept 1st & 2nd Orders: showing March delivery
Sept 3rd to 8th Orders: showing mixed March and April
Sep 9th to early Oct Orders: showing April delivery
Early Oct, Nov, Dec, Some Jan Orders: showing May delivery
(but, expect these to get pushed out)

No June deliveries yet reported showing, I think.
garygid said:
Highest reported VIN: 534, I believe.

Delivery Estimates:
Sept 1st & 2nd Orders: March delivery
Sept 3 to Mid Nov Orders: April delivery

I ordered on September 8 and am still at a "month of March" delivery date. This was confirmed by my PD and will be their first LEAF delivery. I hope it holds.
garygid said:
Highest reported VIN: 534, I believe.

Delivery Estimates:
Sept 1st & 2nd Orders: March delivery
Sept 3rd to 8th Orders: apparently mixed March and April
Sep 9th to Mid Nov Orders: April delivery
Late Nov, Dec, Some Jan Orders: May delivery
No June deliveries yet reported, I think.

Count me as an early October order that was just moved to May. :roll:
I had to check my dashboard after reading of these posts. I'm still showing month of March. Carwings is now open and I have a VIN: 440!! Hopefully delivery is getting closer.
garygid said:
Sep 9th to Mid Nov Orders: April delivery.
You need to edit your post again, Gary. Look at this thread. And this one.Lots of Oct./mid-Nov. orders are getting bumped to May, including my Oct 1 order, which was SUPPOSED to be a Sept. order, according to what I was originally told by Nissan, but was apparently delayed by problems with Ecotality getting home assessments done. It's pretty obvious now that the even the 4-7 month delivery timeframe after ordering (revised from 3-4 months) may not be met in many cases. :twisted:

I too am showing "Month of May 2011" on my dashboard after having "Month of April 2011" for a couple of weeks. I for one am glad the dashboard updates based on Nissan's best guess data. While the fluctuations might not always go in our favor, it's at least a somewhat realistic guess of when the vehicle will arrive.

I'll feel much better if the $5K CVRP rebate holds out long enough for me to get it.

We're in the home stretch all...just a couple/few more months!

BTW - I ordered Oct 7th.
OMG, OMG....I'm not supposed to get this excited. But I just found my CARWINGS open! I have a VIN assigned! Could it be I really WILL get my car in March?
mogur said:
Noticed that I could activate my carwings account tonight and did. My VIN is 360!
I suppose that confirms that Japan-domestic cars and European cars get a different VIN range?

They've supposedly shipped thousands to Japan, and hundreds (more) to Europe, so 360 implies they've only scheduled about 100 US cars?

At this rate the 2012 Volt is going to beat them to the CA rebate funds!