Star Trek Into Darkness (May 17th, 2013) (NO SPOILERS please

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
SF Bay Area, CA
There's a trailer out at" onclick=";return false; now. Found it thanks to the Star Trek Facebook page. At least we get to see more than 3 frames now.

You may want to click on the down arrow/triangle so that you can view in 720p/a larger size.

edit: Surprised there's no response. No Trekkies/Trekkers here? This is the sequel to the JJ-verse Star Trek reboot movie.

edit again: Please DO NOT post spoilers here beyond what's been shown in ads, trailers, videos released by Paramount. There's a separate thread for spoilers.
cwerdna said:
No Trekkies/Trekkers here? This is the sequel to the JJ-verse Star Trek reboot movie.

I watched the preview, but it didn't feel like Trek to me. I'll hold off judgement until I see the movie though.
Yeah! I did enjoy the Star Trek reboot, and look forward to the next adventure. My favorite crew has been the Next Generation grouping. Has anyone been following the Battlestar Gallactica: Blood and Chrome web series?
There were some things I liked about the reboot. But the darkness wasn't one of them. So not too excited about this seeming doubling-down down on the darkness. Not really what Star Trek is about, imho.
javan said:
Yeah! I did enjoy the Star Trek reboot, and look forward to the next adventure. My favorite crew has been the Next Generation grouping. Has anyone been following the Battlestar Gallactica: Blood and Chrome web series?
Yeah, I enjoyed the reboot movie but my favorites were TOS and TNG.

Yep, I've been watching Blood and Chrome. I even started a thread on it, but there aren't many replies... just like this one. :?

There's been a lot of speculation about what this reboot movie's going to be about. For a long time, people were saying Khan would be in it. And more recently, that Benedict Cumberbatch (I'm unfamiliar w/this actor) is playing Khan. After this trailer, others in comments elsewhere speculated that he plays Gary Mitchell and the blonde woman is Dr. Dehner (see" onclick=";return false; for the reference). That might make some sense, since that ep was the TOS 2nd pilot. Others have guessed that the woman's Yeoman Rand or Nurse Chapel.

Anyhow... looks good. I'm a huge Trek fan so even if it turns out to be a steaming pile (I doubt it), I'll definitely see it. Heck, I even saw Star Trek V in the theater and have rewatched it a few times (mainly on DVD).
I never heard about Blood and Chrome, I'll check it out. Since it's December I'm eagerly awaiting the Dr. Who Christmas special.
I enjoyed the prequel to BG, the series Caprica, and was sorry it was cancelled. Blood and Chrome is an interesting look at the Adama heritage. Does that first robot generation remind anyone of our first gen Leaf? Will they eventually turn into more human Cylons? ;)
ksnogas2112 said:
That's going to be good! Might have to dip into the fundage to spring for the IMAX Hobbit to get the 9 minute StarTrek trailer.

I've got my Imax tickets for opening night to The Hobbit :D

Long live Frodo! (well Bilbo in The Hobbit)

I'll be disappointed if the second movie is about Gary Mitchell; that was one my least favorite of the TOS episodes. I suppose with good writing it could be made interesting but if "darkness" means the movies are going to depressing downers, I'll pass. The first one was lots of fun due to the characters and their interactions, despite the tragic elements (which I won't spoil for anyone who hasn't seen it). If the next movie is two hours of "darkness", I'll pass.
Here is the url for the start of BG Blood and Chrome. I just finished the series of 10 episodes and enjoyed it." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; is the thread to discuss Blood & Chrome. I'll have to watch the final eps when I get some time.
No chatter?

A new trailer got released a few weeks ago. See" onclick=";return false;.

Re: the 1st 9 mins were shown before (some?) IMAX showings of The Hobbit. Sadly, I have 0 interest in any of the LOTR movies, so I wouldn't pay just to see the 9 mins of Trek movie.

I did find a semi-hilarous YouTube comment
Kirk did have a brother I recall. In the original series he got killed by the Pizza-bats.
Haha! That is a pretty good name for what those things were (in TOS).
dgpcolorado said:
I'll be disappointed if the second movie is about Gary Mitchell; that was one my least favorite of the TOS episodes. I suppose with good writing it could be made interesting but if "darkness" means the movies are going to depressing downers, I'll pass. The first one was lots of fun due to the characters and their interactions, despite the tragic elements (which I won't spoil for anyone who hasn't seen it). If the next movie is two hours of "darkness", I'll pass.

You haven't heard? All the guesses I've see so far assume the enemy in this one is Khan.

Just a younger Khan from before being exhiled to one of the planets in the Ceti Alpha system.

Maybe the botany bay is found much closer to earth in this timeline and he starts messing with earth again (he and his kind were said to have ruled about 1/3 of earth during a period know as the eugenics wars).

It also maps well into the reboot numbering this being the 2nd movie in the reboot and the 2nd star trek movie in the original timeline was about Khan.
I thought the rumor about the enemy being Khan was dispelled and that his name is John Harrison.

Side note: There's a running thread on TiVocommunity about this movie and I haven't had the time or motivation to read all the posts, but one of the guys there is a non-JJ-verse purist so he hated the reboot movie. He was arguing about all sorts of plot holes and inconsistencies and eventually it degenerated into arguments about transwarp beaming... :roll:

Someone else started a splinter thread w/the title "You do know that they're just movies right?"
cwerdna said:
I thought the rumor about the enemy being Khan was dispelled and that his name is John Harrison.

Well there were hundreds of Khan's contemporarys running around. Who is to say that John Harrison isn't just another eugenic from Kahn's period?

Then again it could be some totally new plot with a totally new character that can't be linked to prior works.
dgpcolorado said:
cwerdna said:
...Someone else started a splinter thread w/the title "You do know that they're just movies right?"
:lol: Like that!
Ha! In that splinter thread, which I've only barely skimmed, the arguments about JJ-verse went on again... so someone in that thread posted:
Why does every thread that mentions the last Star Trek movie turn into a damn debate about transwarp beaming? GET OVER IT ALREADY.
i saw the Hobbit (regular Real 3D) and there was no Star Trek preview. would love to see an ongoing Star Trek movies especially if done well. not sure that I could handle the different actors.

what did you think of the remake that came out a few years back? I enjoyed it well enough but not enough to see it more than once. the movies that came out in the 80's were totally awesome. I saw the first one probably 5 times
cwerdna said:
dgpcolorado said:
cwerdna said:
...Someone else started a splinter thread w/the title "You do know that they're just movies right?"
:lol: Like that!
Ha! In that splinter thread, which I've only barely skimmed, the arguments about JJ-verse went on again... so someone in that thread posted:
Why does every thread that mentions the last Star Trek movie turn into a damn debate about transwarp beaming? GET OVER IT ALREADY.
What gets me is that nearly all the tech on Star Trek is hokum (Heisenberg Compensators? Inertial Dampeners?), never mind the whole idea of time warp factor FTL travel and artificial gravity. Yet some people are Oh So Serious about it all! I like to read science fiction, but the operative word is "fiction"...

Liked the first movie, hope the second is as good. (Even a friend of mine who dislikes sci-fi liked the first movie, to my great surprise.)