Steal Your Battery program: Any news? Hello Nissan?

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I, for one, have no desire to drive cross country like that. Plus, remember that you are not going to get anywhere near a 100% charge when QCing unless you are willing to take a long time to do it and produce more heat in the process... Thus, your effective range will be even less. You need at least twice the range of the current Leaf to make it practical, IMHO...

DougWantsALeaf said:
Tony W, I did some freeway tests today. At 55mph, no speakable wind, relatively flat Chicagoland, I was at almost dead on 1 mile per %SOC (nearly new battery). At 62, it falls to about .85, which would concur with your tests of being able to do about 80-85 miles on a full charge. No AC/Heat, just a low fan and radio in terms of power. I was doing about an 8 mile run in each direction up and down the Edens. It seems like if you can stand being in the slow lane, driving 52-55 is the way to go.
the nytimes and the washpost both tell me with feature stories on their front page that it is time for summer recipes and summer adventures.
well, where is my spring news from Nissan on battery replacement and installation cost???
thankyouOB said:
the nytimes and the washpost both tell me with feature stories on their front page that it is time for summer recipes and summer adventures.
well, where is my spring news from Nissan on battery replacement and installation cost???

Understand that the NYTimes were unable to drive a Tesla S from DC to Boston. :mrgreen:
But at least they know when Spring is...

JPWhite said:
thankyouOB said:
the nytimes and the washpost both tell me with feature stories on their front page that it is time for summer recipes and summer adventures.
well, where is my spring news from Nissan on battery replacement and installation cost???
Understand that the NYTimes were unable to drive a Tesla S from DC to Boston. :mrgreen:
JPWhite said:
thankyouOB said:
the nytimes and the washpost both tell me with feature stories on their front page that it is time for summer recipes and summer adventures.
well, where is my spring news from Nissan on battery replacement and installation cost???

Understand that the NYTimes were unable to drive a Tesla S from DC to Boston. :mrgreen:

funny. ha ha.
Nissan posts 'news' on Carwings from time to time. Saw this this evening.


'bout sums it all up.
this whole business with waiting and waiting and waiting for the promised battery price information is becoming silly. We deserve clarity from Nissan on this issue and certainly on the timing of the information release. It makes one wonder whether Andy was sloppy or deliberately confusing with his language.

when someone says i will have it this spring, it can generally be assumed it is in April or May.
when someone says i will have it by summer, it can generally be assumed that it is in June.
thankyouOB said:
when someone says i will have it this spring, it can generally be assumed it is in April or May.
when someone says i will have it by summer, it can generally be assumed that it is in June.
Seen plenty of store openings "coming this Summer" and they open closer to late October.
thankyouOB said:
when someone says i will have it this spring, it can generally be assumed it is in April or May.
when someone says i will have it by summer, it can generally be assumed that it is in June.
Not in the world I come from. If a contractor told us they'd deliver in 2Q we knew not to expect anything before the first of July.

thankyouOB said:
It makes one wonder whether Andy was sloppy or deliberately confusing with his language.
It sure doesn't make me wonder. As I listened to what he said I understood that Spring meant Spring, and I set my mental clock for the end of June. I expect he may have hoped to beat that, but also knew he might not be able to. Personally I found him very forthcoming and unflappable in front of a crowd that, understandably, contained a lot of angry people. (Incidentally, I also found most of that crowd to be amazingly polite about the whole thing.)

you guys are picking at nits.
here is the talking point:
We deserve clarity from Nissan on this issue and certainly on the timing of the information release.
thankyouOB said:
surely, i cant be the only one frustrated with the response from corporate nissan on this key issue.

frustration is the normal Human response when waiting especially for something that was anticipated sooner. at this point I have to look at it in my perspective that its a matter of a month give or take. its not like I plan to run out on the first day to buy something.

I am sure there are people that might be in that situation but the only one I know of Steve; who is considering the option has already stated he will wait and why shouldn't he? the warmer weather is coming along with a 10 mile bump in range which means he now only has to stop on average of just over once a day to QC (in Winer it was ALWAYS twice a day) to make it. As the weather gets warmer he wont have to stop at all for his basic commute.

so its a waiting game. I have accepted that. what I am anxiously waiting on still involves the battery but the warranty thing. how smooth will the warranty replacement process be? will we be seeing Phoenicians with their "first year, just drive it" LEAFs again?

or will it be like pulling teeth? similar to getting Nissan to admit there was a problem? or a process like requesting a buyback? hopefully not, but that is what I am really waiting for.