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Our TED 5003-C (3 MTUs, 1 monitor, and a free Christmas special teeshirt) installed with no problems on the first try. Room inside the main service panel was tight, so only the MTU for SCE service was fit in there. The MTU for our PV arrays fit inside the SMA 6000 inverter with no issues, and the one for the LEAF just squeezed inside it's small dedicated circuit breaker box. By dumb luck only, on the first try I managed to get all three MTUs and the gateway all on the same power leg, so everything communicated. :D After a few iterations to understand and set up the proper mode for each MTU, everything is now registering properly. It looks like it will take a while to determine the proper factor to get PV production matched up with the inverter readings (They are only about 200W apart now), and as time permits today, I may set up some load profiles. For now, it is satisfying to see it working and have detailed insight. More to follow. . .
Hey, congrats! Ain't if fun, though?

Do you have an iPod, iPhone or iPad (I think??) so that you can download the free TED-O-Meter app? It makes TED even more fun.
Boomer23 said:
Hey, congrats! Ain't if fun, though?

Do you have an iPod, iPhone or iPad (I think??) so that you can download the free TED-O-Meter app? It makes TED even more fun.
Although I run on Windows and Android, our daughter is a member of the iPhone and Macbook club, so I'll "borrow" hers and see how it looks.

It is too much fun for someone with the recessive engineer gene. I feel unwillingly drawn to download and evaluate in detail each data stream, but . . . I . . . must . . . resist. :lol:
Sad to report that less than two days after installation, TED has developed problems. I don't expect to hear back from their support crew until Monday, but I have posted the issues on the TED support forum at http://www.theenergydetectiveforums.com/index.php/topic,800.msg3419.html#msg3419" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; Fortunately, the MTU on the Leaf circuit is doing just fine and I can see each night's charging quite clearly.

In brief, it looks as if either one of the MTUs has failed, or more likely, the software in the gateway has been corrupted. Cold-booting everything from the DSL modem to the Gateway has helped a little, but the Footprints PC software is still very confused.
HighDesertDriver said:
Sad to report that less than two days after installation, TED has developed problems. I don't expect to hear back from their support crew until Monday, but I have posted the issues on the TED support forum at http://www.theenergydetectiveforums.com/index.php/topic,800.msg3419.html#msg3419" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; Fortunately, the MTU on the Leaf circuit is doing just fine and I can see each night's charging quite clearly.

In brief, it looks as if either one of the MTUs has failed, or more likely, the software in the gateway has been corrupted. Cold-booting everything from the DSL modem to the Gateway has helped a little, but the Footprints PC software is still very confused.
Just for grins, have you tried reflashing the gateway? Might eliminate the corrupted gateway theory. There are three downloads - the installer, Footprints, and gateway firmware.


Good Luck!
AndyH said:
Just for grins, have you tried reflashing the gateway? Might eliminate the corrupted gateway theory. There are three downloads - the installer, Footprints, and gateway firmware.


Good Luck!
Thanks, Andy! I had seen some references to upgrades in other threads, but had not tripped over that particular page on their site. Good lead. I noted your nom-de-plume (how many "drill-babies" can there be?! :lol: ) on the TED forum and wondered if you would be chiming in. :)

With all our Christmas season activities, I've tried not to get sucked in too deeply (yet), preferring to give the TED folks a shot at it first. To their credit, they did respond on the forum yesterday to suggest I drop them an email with a number of details, which I did.

My initial thoughts are that they seem to be leaning a little forward in the saddle with their software, pumping out needed and desired improvements somewhat faster than the production and documentation folks can accommodate. I can live with the minor downside issues of concurrency, but other mainstream customers might find that difficult or even discouraging. I like the product and expect they will sort things out soon, especially with the assistance of their new interested sugar-daddy, 3M Corp.
I finally got around to installing my TED5000 yesterday. 3 MTUs - 1 on the mains, 1 for the electric water heater, and 1 on my Schneider EVSE circuit. I was really surprised the MTU for the EVSE worked - it's 100' away in a separate panel out in the garage. Luckily, I had 2 free slots in both panels, so I hooked up both the black and red wires for the MTUs. I had zero luck with my original gateway location next to the router in the utility room, but it worked much better in a socket in the office next to an ethernet switch so things are running fine. My statistics page is showing between a 1-3% Skp / Rec rate. Hopefully that won't mess up the data too badly. The user manual is not very helpful for multiple MTU setups, but the online videos have enough clues to help.

Now I'm learning all sorts of interesting facts - like teenagers taking showers are $0.50 a piece!

I don't have my Leaf yet, but I can report that the idle Schneider EVSE draws .001 KW. I'll get some real data for charging and climate control when the Leaf arrives, hopefully 1st week of January.
