The forgotten Sept/Oct orders

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lonndoggie said:
As smkettner pointed out, no, FilmMixer...and then there's daniel.
Daniel has left the building so hopefully you and FilmMixer will get your cars this week.
Well, I don't have it yet...but I went and did most of the paperwork this afternoon, and will pick it up tonight! YEAH!

And the way I found out about it was via my spy--my father-in-law went down to the dealer for his daily recon mission, and called me saying "I'm looking at your LEAF!".

:D <-- me
Congrats!!! Nissan had you wait much too long for your car. Once you drive it, you will see that you patience was very worthwhile.
lonndoggie said:
Well, I don't have it yet...but I went and did most of the paperwork this afternoon, and will pick it up tonight! YEAH!

And the way I found out about it was via my spy--my father-in-law went down to the dealer for his daily recon mission, and called me saying "I'm looking at your LEAF!".

:D <-- me
Congratulations! You'll love it.

And good detective work. You know what they* say: "You have to get up early if you want to get out of bed." :) (*Mr. Hammer says it at least.)
All you sunny California people consider yourself lucky. My $99.00 deposit was placed one year ago. No sign or whiff of a car. Living on the east coast means a long wait. Maybe it will come this way in Santa's basket by December.
lonndoggie said:
Well, I don't have it yet...but I went and did most of the paperwork this afternoon, and will pick it up tonight! YEAH!
That's great to hear. Congratulations on getting your car in a timely way, at least for rebate purposes.
Thanks all for the congratulations!

Driving it home on the I-5 I was engrossed in the built-in video game called Save That Electron. For the first time in my life, driving behind big ol' trucks doing 52-60 in the right lane seemed like a pretty good idea, and a fun time at that.

I got my $5K reserved today as well, so I'm all aces.

Lil' Bleu is charging in the garage now--amazingly, the Blink works!

Gratuitous Marx Bros. paraphrase: They had one part of the contract I wouldn't sign. Said it was the sanity clause. I said "You can't fool me, there's no such thing as Santy Claus!!"

-- LDog

PS--I do wonder what's to become of my old VIN?
So glad you got your car, LoonDog! The pain of the wait will fade quickly, now. My suggestion--every once in awhile, forget about the Save the Electron game and just drive it like you stole it. :D

lonndoggie said:
Gratuitous Marx Bros. paraphrase: They had one part of the contract I wouldn't sign. Said it was the sanity clause. I said "You can't fool me, there's no such thing as Santy Claus!!"
I bet there were lots of contract shreds left on the floor. Congratulations! I kept reading this thread until you got yours!
lonndoggie said:
Thanks all for the congratulations!

Driving it home on the I-5 I was engrossed in the built-in video game called Save That Electron. For the first time in my life, driving behind big ol' trucks doing 52-60 in the right lane seemed like a pretty good idea, and a fun time at that.

I got my $5K reserved today as well, so I'm all aces.

Lil' Bleu is charging in the garage now--amazingly, the Blink works!

Gratuitous Marx Bros. paraphrase: They had one part of the contract I wouldn't sign. Said it was the sanity clause. I said "You can't fool me, there's no such thing as Santy Claus!!"

-- LDog

PS--I do wonder what's to become of my old VIN?

Big Congrats LDog!! long time coming!
O.K. Got the Leaf and the Blink charged it properly the 1st try. Windows now tinted.

Noticed that there are no wheel well inserts so thin sheet metal shows - looking very cheap not to mention it will catch mud, snow etc. Dealership said they don’t put them on smaller cars and suggested going to a body shop. Also, I am removing the rear seat headrest to widen the view through the rear window which is very small. The sun visors are undersized. Looks like more suggestions for Nissan.

The car drives great and other than ECHO mode I am driving it normally on/off the highway with A/C as needed.

Dealership tried 4 times (2 different people) to get me to sign their extended warrantee at pick up including adding it to the printed invoice, which I had to reject. I told them repeatedly I was getting it from Santa Rosa, whom they tried to discredit. Warning – they have paperwork that shows their “cost” to try to convince you that the Santa Rosa deal can’t be true – but it is! In the end the Finance guy admitted he had heard of ”Santa Rosa” and dropped it.
lonndoggie said:
"You can't fool me, there's no such thing as Santy Claus!!"
I must offer my congratulations after a way, way, too long wait. I remember how exhausted I was after being on the edge of my seat for so long. But driving an EV has magical healing powers :)

Welcome to the club, even though you would never be a part of any club that would have you as a member! :D
nogajim said:
I bet there were lots of contract shreds left on the floor. Congratulations! I kept reading this thread until you got yours!
That's exhibiting the kind of patience it'll take, being in a tier 2 state. I feel for you; as tough as it's been waiting for a car, I can't imagine what it's like waiting on waiting for a car!

Good luck, thanks for hanging in here with me, and yes--IT'S WORTH THE WAIT!
gbarry42 said:
I remember how exhausted I was after being on the edge of my seat for so long. But driving an EV has magical healing powers :)

You can say that again! It's also got the ability to put you back on the edge of your seat, too--I induced some range anxiety in myself today, the first full day of ownership. Ended up pulling into the garage with 10 miles/1 bar left. Yee-haw!

gbarry42 said:
Welcome to the club, even though you would never be a part of any club that would have you as a member! :D
Yes, and I have a good mind to join the club and beat myself over my head with it! "-) It's the kind of thing you do when you're deliriously happy!
walterbays said:
gbarry42 said:
Welcome to the club, even though you would never be a part of any club that would have you as a member! :D
I found some rare archived footage of lonndoggie himself talking about his new car: ;)

Ah yes, the old DeSoto. Named after the famed explorer. He discovered that body of water. You know, De Soda Water.
lonndoggie said:
walterbays said:
gbarry42 said:
Welcome to the club, even though you would never be a part of any club that would have you as a member! :D
I found some rare archived footage of lonndoggie himself talking about his new car: ;)

Ah yes, the old DeSoto. Named after the famed explorer. He discovered that body of water. You know, De Soda Water.

I thought it was filmed by our old friend Bruce Brown with his 8mm camera in Seal or Huntington Beach
1051 said:
I thought it was filmed by our old friend Bruce Brown with his 8mm camera in Seal or Huntington Beach

Do I know you? I grew up in Seal Beach, bussed to school at HB High. Used to marvel at the green Sphinx on top of Blackie August's house (y'know, Robert's dad).

And my dad was GM of a car dealership!

And I was (am) a Marx Bro's fan!

It all fits...