Triangle with I in red and brown...

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Nov 25, 2018
On my 2013 SV, yesterday for the first time, after driving about 30 miles, the red I showed up. I pulled over, waited 5 minutes, started the car and initially, it was okay, then the brown i showed up, turned to red just before I reached home.

I don’t know what that was about. It had been a very hot day (90 degrees + Farenhiet) and I am wondering if this was the issue. It’s a hot summer and even in garage, temps are high.

Any suggestions. It might have cooled overnight and I don’t know if I should take it to a dealer or just Wait it out or what?
The red triangle with "!" inside is a "master warning light". It is non-specific. Its purpose is to alert you that there are one or more red warnings illuminated on the lower display. You need to look there to see what the actual warnings are.

Similarly, the yellow triangle with "!" inside is also a master warning light. I assume this is what you meant by "brown i". It means one or more yellow warnings are illuminated on the lower display.

Without knowing which specific alarms were displaying it's hard to say what was wrong. Sometimes the vehicle will store error codes in the computer. You can check these yourself with the "Leaf Spy" smartphone app. There are large threads on the forum to familiarize you if you're interested.
Several issues will cause either red or yellow (amber) triangle master warnings to turn on. The car should handle 90+ degrees F ambient temperatures without issue unless it is low on coolant. I routinely dive in 110+ F ambient temperatures without concerns. As others have already suggested, use Leaf Spy to read DTC's and post them so we can provide more accurate suggestions/recommendations.