Understanding the EV haters

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x10guy said:
Honestly I don't really see what the hang up is with the so-called haters. I don't think anyone really hates EVs. Maybe skeptical but not hate. And besides, are we really that sensitive? Just be happy with your Leaf and just be done with it.

A can tell you with absolute certainty there are people that hate EV owners, most for a variety of irrational and random reasons that make no sense of any kind. I have read threatening hate mail from these folks. There certainly are many folks that have some hidden fears or insecurity and without a evaluation from a professional therapist you won't get any particular reason just name calling and random accusations. Yes these folks are mostly ignorant and uneducated but not all of them which is the more concerning aspect.
dgpcolorado said:
It appears that you haven't met an EV hater. I have, as have others here. If one isn't expecting it, the experience can be quite a shock.

I have met quite a few people who look at me in total shock when I tell them I got a Leaf. They are just in total disbelief. They just ask my incredulously "WHY!!!!???" They think that it's such a compromise (range, etc) to a regular car. (which is partial true) but I calmly explain that with the deal I got, it's actually saving me money.
Does that count? But I still don't think they are "haters". I just think they are just very skeptical. I guess I sort of think of "Hate" as a very strong word.

But seriously, it doesn't bother me too much. Maybe I just have thicker skin. I think maybe it's from owning a minivan for so long. Seriously, if you talk about "haters" there is nothing like those who are against minivans. The Leaf is nothing compared to the backlash of owning a minivan. :)
x10guy said:
Honestly I don't really see what the hang up is with the so-called haters. I don't think anyone really hates EVs. Maybe skeptical but not hate. And besides, are we really that sensitive? Just be happy with your Leaf and just be done with it.

It's not a hang-up on my end, but there are some true haters out there and this thread is to discuss and understand the nature of their hatred (not so much our bruised ego). For example here is a note left on my Leaf at Cracker Barrel


For someone to use the F bomb and accuse an EV driver of theft and being cheap, there resides within that persons mind some hatred towards those who own/drive EV's.

At least the hater used recycled paper :lol:
JPWhite said:
For someone to use the F bomb and accuse an EV driver of theft and being cheap, there resides within that persons mind some hatred towards those who own/drive EV's.

At least the hater used recycled paper :lol:
I'm sorry to hear this, JP. Good to see that you are able to take it with humor. There is likely some jealousy in there somewhere. Paying for gas is a pain-point for pretty much everyone I know. Seeing someone getting away with paying nothing at all would seem unconscionable. At least this individual didn't realize or complain that your Leaf was subsidized by tax payers, himself included.
I had an elderly couple ask me who was paying for the electricity when I charged my Leaf for half an hour in front of Fry's a few months ago. They were incredulous when I told them that it was just a few cents worth of power, and definitely less than half a dollar. Given how wasteful gas burners are, I think most people don't realize that it takes very little energy to power an electric car.
Wow, I guess there are there a few truly haters of EV cars.... that's almost incredulous. But there's not really much we can do about those few who act that way.
surfingslovak said:
I think most people don't realize that it takes very little energy to power an electric car.

Absolutely my experience as well. The conversation quite often goes like this...

"Does that car have a gas engine that kicks in when the electric runs out?"

No, it is pure electric.

"Wow, really!?! That's amazing"


"So how much does it cost to run the car?"

About $25-30 per month and I do about 1,200 miles per month.

"Is that all?!?. Wow!!!"


"Ahhh! But how much does it add to your electric bill?"

The same $25-30 per month, it is electric.....


"Oh yeah, of course....."


"I'm glad that it works for you, it just wouldn't work for me, I'd forget to plug it in or something, I'm like that"

And there it is. Another non purchaser of an EV.

Folks have this inbuilt idea that an electric car will dim the lights when it charges.
x10guy said:
Wow, I guess there are there a few truly haters of EV cars.... that's almost incredulous. But there's not really much we can do about those few who act that way.

It is not a few, I think you would be shocked at the numbers of full blown crazies out there.
JPWhite said:
For example here is a note left on my Leaf at Cracker Barrel...

For someone to use the F bomb and accuse an EV driver of theft and being cheap, there resides within that persons mind some hatred towards those who own/drive EV's.

At least the hater used recycled paper :lol:

I guess some must think that, because the place is called Cracker Barrel, it welomes crackers! ;)
I wonder if F-bomb ever used a restroom at McDonalds without buying a Happy Meal ;)

He probably assumes you pulled close to $100 of electricity into the vehicle :roll:

Just like gasoline right :lol:
x10guy said:
Looks like Volt owners are getting it worse because of the bailout:

That's interesting, thanks for sharing and it triggers a memory. At City Hall in the city where I live they planned to purchase a Nissan LEAF for the codes dept to use and placed this in the budget for 2013. The Mayor received so many calls from angry rate payers about this he decided to drop the purchase and will buy a gasoline vehicle instead. He did say that he was taken aback by the volume, name calling and acerbity of the feedback he got over a simple purchase proposal. The sad thing is the head of codes had carefully analyzed the purchase and was able to show long term cost savings to the city, the rate payers didn't want to listen to that.

Hate runs deep.
JPWhite said:
x10guy said:
Looks like Volt owners are getting it worse because of the bailout:

That's interesting, thanks for sharing and it triggers a memory. At City Hall in the city where I live they planned to purchase a Nissan LEAF for the codes dept to use and placed this in the budget for 2013. The Mayor received so many calls from angry rate payers about this he decided to drop the purchase and will buy a gasoline vehicle instead. He did say that he was taken aback by the volume, name calling and acerbity of the feedback he got over a simple purchase proposal. The sad thing is the head of codes had carefully analyzed the purchase and was able to show long term cost savings to the city, the rate payers didn't want to listen to that.

Hate runs deep.
what an odd reaction.
they are exxon sharebholders? own a gas station. are members of the oil-catters first league?

no. haters gotta hate.
x10guy said:
I actually have a slightly different perspective on things. From what I've read in this thread, I would probably put myself into the "hater" segment. This of course was before I actually leased a Leaf recently.

But that being said, I would have to say that much of what people perceive as "haters" may in reality be just a big dose of skepticism. I know that was DEFINITELY me before I got my Leaf. I didn't hate them. If fact I always was intrigued by EV vehicles and hoped that they would succeed someday but when I first looked at the prices vs. hybrids or even high mileage ICE cars, I scoffed. It just made no economical sense. And that is the key. That is probably the biggest reason why people are skeptical (what we me perceive as haters). And truthfully, if Nissan (and Chevy) didn't offer incredible discounts on the Leaf or Volt, I'd never even consider it.
Nah. Unless you were accosting people and being rude or posting angry anti-EV comments online, you weren't a hater, just someone who didn't think they wanted to buy one.
JPWhite said:
x10guy said:
Looks like Volt owners are getting it worse because of the bailout:

That's interesting, thanks for sharing and it triggers a memory. At City Hall in the city where I live they planned to purchase a Nissan LEAF for the codes dept to use and placed this in the budget for 2013. The Mayor received so many calls from angry rate payers about this he decided to drop the purchase and will buy a gasoline vehicle instead. He did say that he was taken aback by the volume, name calling and acerbity of the feedback he got over a simple purchase proposal. The sad thing is the head of codes had carefully analyzed the purchase and was able to show long term cost savings to the city, the rate payers didn't want to listen to that.

Hate runs deep.

I guess I should retract my comments about doubts about haters our there. I never realized the ignorance of some. I guess I can sort of understand the backlash against the federal and state rebates but not to this extent. However, ultimately isn't the goal to lesson our dependence on importing oil? But I digress.
In my own very limited time owning (actually just a lease) I've only encountered mild shock and skepticism but not outright hate yet. Consider myself warned.

But anyways, stay strong fellow Leaf drivers!
I get asked the question about paying for electricity a lot. I point out that most of the time, I charge at home, where I pay for the electricity, which is less than 1/4 the price of gasoline. Although there is some free public charging here in Philadelphia, it seems like the places which I use occasionally all charge a pretty penny, so it often costs me MORE that gasoline for the occasional times I charge away from home.

It will be intersting in 20 or 30 years to look be able to look back and know whether todays EVs were just an brief aberation or the start of a revolution. I may or may not be alive in 30 years, but I'm betting that today's EVs are the start of a revolution.
tps said:
I get asked the question about paying for electricity a lot. I point out that most of the time, I charge at home, where I pay for the electricity, which is less than 1/4 the price of gasoline. Although there is some free public charging here in Philadelphia, it seems like the places which I use occasionally all charge a pretty penny, so it often costs me MORE that gasoline for the occasional times I charge away from home.

It will be intersting in 20 or 30 years to look be able to look back and know whether todays EVs were just an brief aberation or the start of a revolution. I may or may not be alive in 30 years, but I'm betting that today's EVs are the start of a revolution.

of that, there is no doubt. Our energy needs will continue to escalate as the planet gets more and more crowded. Power usage has just begun to escalate in many countries which will create a whole new demand for energy in all sectors.

This will put a strain on current fossil fuel options pushing their prices higher worldwide (most in attempt to control growth) but it will drive us to other options and EVs are a great niche vehicle.

I am thinking we are a decade away (with vigorous research from all auto manufacturers which is not happening right now. dont blame them. its lack of government support) from EVs being viable in the average single car household but that doesn't change the fact that significantly more than half of 2 car households could make an EV work