Want to buy SL with QC port in Houston

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New member
Aug 13, 2011
I am located in Houston, TX. Willing to buy out of state and have the car delivered here. Must be SL with the quick charge port. Silver or Glacier Pearl color is preferred.

cowboyrx said:
I am located in Houston, TX. Willing to buy out of state and have the car delivered here. Must be SL with the quick charge port. Silver or Glacier Pearl color is preferred.


If you haven't already purchased, I'd call all the Mossy Nissan's in San Diego County, then go get your leaf from the Mossy in Houston. Like many others, I can't recommend Mossy highly enough. I got my orphan from them at the straight Nissan advertised price (MSRP) and lease rate, no markup. Granted, the lease terms from Nissan on the LEAF aren't great but it worked for me. I'm sure the Mossy dealers will coordinate shipping an orphan for you. I happen to know that Mossy National City will have an orphan blue SL QC the week of August 29th, since I'm not picking it up (got a red one 2 months ago).
I talked to my local Mossy dealer, and he refused to do what you suggested. He asked me to get on his wait list and wait for 4-6 months.
I'm shocked by that. Not at all the kind of thing the Mossy dealerships in San Diego have been cultivating. I've heard of the purchases happening entirely over the phone. I'd call Max at Mossy Nissan National City and see if he has any orphans and what he can do for you. I'm sure they can help you arrange for shipping. You also might ask the San Diego dealers what's up with Mossy Houston being so unhelpful.