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Well-known member
Leaf Supporting Member
Apr 22, 2010
Garden Grove
Does anyone know anything about this 'One Block of the Grid' outfit? Supposedly they put together group buys on PV systems, and are doing another one for the Los Angeles area pretty soon. The are affiliated with the blog gas 2.0, which is how I found them:

mwalsh said:
Does anyone know anything about this 'One Block of the Grid' outfit? Supposedly they put together group buys on PV systems, and are doing another one for the Los Angeles area pretty soon. The are affiliated with the blog gas 2.0, which is how I found them:

I looked in to them but the price I got from my dealer was cheaper then them. I told them what deal I got on Sunpower panel system and they ask if installation was included because my price was so low.
Gonewild, do you know if your solar panel installers work in Tucson or have a branch in Tucson. I'm starting to get estimates.
mwalsh said:
Does anyone know anything about this 'One Block of the Grid' outfit? Supposedly they put together group buys on PV systems, and are doing another one for the Los Angeles area pretty soon. The are affiliated with the blog gas 2.0, which is how I found them:

Think of 1bog as a business that provides residential buyers for the solar industry. Pretty much like a seller of leads for the industry.
I used 1bog to obtain a slight discount from my installer REC in Phoenix. Like any business they make their money from the installers after contracts are signed.
The principles are solid, obtain a large pool of prospects in targeted geographic markets using online resources, send list to sales crew at solar company, signed contracts, installed product, and happy campers all the way around. This is a booming market and their are installers on every corner looking for that magic lead to generate business.

Clipped from their website:
One Block Off the Grid (1BOG) is a fast-growing San Francisco-based company that runs group purchasing programs for residential solar energy. Our goal is to increase solar adoption dramatically by reducing the price and simplifying the process. 1BOG is a fun, energetic, and collaborative workplace. We love working with our members and solar installers nationwide.
I wonder if "SunRun" is affiliated with them, or perhaps an offshot, as they are also in San Francisco... I spoke with them a few days ago, but I think I knew way too much about it for them to be interested, as I asked about who gets the SRECs, %30 Federal tax credit, $5K MA state rebate, etc. (the SRECs in the areas that are allowed to trade them are worth approx double the value of the electricity produced, $300-$600 / MwH in MA)

They did say that I could get their "total solar" solution for about %30 of the cost of a new system, so a 5KW system was quoted out at $9,000 initial cash.. certainly worth pursing. of course they own the system, they sell and own the SRECs, so the benefit to the property owner is basiclly "feeling good" that you are making green power. Of course it still might be worth doing, as I don't plan to own my house for more than 3-5 years, and the contract can be passed onto the new homeowner.... or they will remove the system if they are not interested.



Power plans: http://www.sunrunhome.com/why-sunrun/compare-sunrun-solar-plans
From what I understand Sun Run is a finance/management company or might be called a solar utility company.
REC is in the solar facility project design and installation company. All three of these companies (1BOG,SR, REC) were involved with my solar facility.

The Arizona options were lease or purchase plans. I went for the lease plan with option to buy at any time after the 6th year. No money out of pocket, tax rebates signed over to Sun Run. SR utility bills me with a known annual adjustment unlike the APS utility that adjusts year to year and may be much higher over time. The lease can also be transfered to the new homeowner or removed.

I agree that the tax benefits on the corporate side are of greater value than a simple tax rebate on my 10-40. I'm a Green Capitalist so I aknowledge that someone is making money out there. This has to happen or there will be no motive for the masses (business & consumer) to expand alternative energy usage.
I interviewed my home insurer and asked them how I would add the solar facility to my policy. :shock: This is the look I recieved...... They actually researched and stated they have no policy for solar facilities and would handle them on a case by case claim should something happen. Sun Run insures their (leased) solar facility, the other big solar company in town didn't.
Hi all,

I'm Shannon Coulter and I'm Director of Community for One Block Off the Grid (1BOG). I've been following this thread with interest, and thought I'd post a few words about our organization:

One Block Off the Grid is a free service for homeowners that negotiates group discounts on solar on their behalf in eleven different metro areas of the United States (that number is growing). Because we have such a large group of such homeowners signed up, we can typically negotiate a group discount of at least 15 percent or more on panels and installation:

Here's what one of our members had to say about her experience going solar through 1BOG:

It's interesting that "Gonewild" above says he found a lower price by going directly to a solar installer. We actually encourage people to try to do that, but rarely run across a case of it actually happening where we have an active campaign. (We've even run into situations where such comments are posted by installers who don't want homeowners to know about group discounts!)

Finally, I want to mention one other really important thing about One Block Off the Grid: we vet local installers on behalf of homeowners. Solar is a growing market and with so many new players trying to cash in, it's important to have a third party doing some evaluation from the outside. Our vetting process is rigorous and takes a full month before we select an installer with which to partner. If a 1BOG group discount isn't currently available in your area, we encourage you to evaluate potential installers on three factors (1) the quality of their products (2) their installation practices and (3) the longterm stability of the company.

I hope this answers a few questions about One Block Off the Grid . If you have any others, please feel free to email me directly at shannon (at) 1bog.org. And if you want access to our current group discounts on solar, you can sign up for free here: http://1bog.org/user/signup

Shannon Coulter
Director of Community
One Block Off the Grid (1BOG)
shannon [at] 1bog.org

p.s. As Carlos noted, SunRun is a kind of "zero down" financing option available for some solar systems in some areas. 1BOG campaigns sometimes make SunRun financing available as an optional part of the deals we negotiate.
Thanks for the information and post about 1BOG.
I will confirm an important service 1BOG provided our area was the vetting of installers.
Two local sources beyond 1BOG was a search of recent incorporations with the State (AZ) and BBB ratings. Solar installers seemed to be a big growth area and expansion for local electricians and the like. More and more companies now do the "solar thing" more as a fad than a solid business model. The top two installers in my area recieved an A and an A+ rating through the BBB. This makes it eaiser to sleep at night knowing this aspect of the buying process is solid.
Well, as it happens, I just got an email from them a couple of days ago that they're getting ready to do one in my community. So I'll at least listen to what they have to say. But I'm also planning to comparison shop a couple of vendors on my own.
Let us know how your solar facility search progresses. I know there were so many questions I needed answered before I made my decision to put one on my roof.
I'm no expert but I found what I needed to make an informed decision.
Good luck and keep us up to date......

Carlos said:
Let us know how your solar facility search progresses. I know there were so many questions I needed answered before I made my decision to put one on my roof.
I'm no expert but I found what I needed to make an informed decision.
Good luck and keep us up to date......


Will do. Fortunately there are more than a few on this board who have already done this at least once, and who I'm sure wouldn't mind helping me make the right choices.
If you live in Phoenix area like I do I checked out about 15 companys including American PV in Scottsdale. The two I got down both blew away 1BOG bid by thousands and I got a Sunpower system. I email 1BOGI told them my price and they said are you sure that it was complete on just parts. I told them it was installed. I gave them the company so maybe the new price will be lower. I went with Salt river solar and wind from Suprise. But I was going with Sunvalley solar salutions of Chandler. Tell the Jim from Chandler sent you please.
For anyone wondering what's involved in putting up PV solar on your home, I have a website that documents my 6kW install.

I couldn't find many sites that we NOT put up by solar installers, so I put one up myself. It has lots of info and pics. I'm no expert, but may be able to answer any questions.
Jimmydreams said:
For anyone wondering what's involved in putting up PV solar on your home, I have a website that documents my 6kW install.

I couldn't find many sites that we NOT put up by solar installers, so I put one up myself. It has lots of info and pics. I'm no expert, but may be able to answer any questions.

So, $60,188 for a 6.75KW system ? That is nearly $9/W. After rebates it is $24,132 - so $3.5/W.
mwalsh said:
evnow said:
After rebates it is $24,132 - so $3.5/W.

That's the ball-park I envisaged for a system of similar size after all the rebates and tax credits. Is that realistic?

Edit: I didn't see Jimmy's breakdown of the costs. I guess it might well be. :)

Do you guys still get $ rebates in CA ? Or is it all IOUs :lol:
My system is going in first week of July. Only a 3.15kw system...so not huge...14 panels. But should provide 65% of my electric usage. Perhaps a bit more as we get the best sun of any "city" in the country.

Comes to 18k installed, so just less than 6 bucks a watt. Will get 30% back in fed taxes and 10% in state taxes....so a bit more than 10k when all is said and done.

Since the local power company pays for anybody doing solar, I should recoup that 10k in 7 years...which is nice.

Mostly I just wanted to use all that sun shining down on my south facing roof.

Will post some photos when it goes up...

See my post I have a Sumpower 5.16k system cost me under .06 a watt at $19,000. I order mine in Dec 09 when the market was going down the tube and got a good deal. I signed with a company and on the second day of three days to cancel the deal. A saleman wanted my money so bad he want me to go with him. He lower the price by $900.00 buck and I said no I already had a deal with a different dealer and my intergity was worth more then that! So he throw in an upgrade to my 125amp service panel to a 200amp panel. That is worth $2,200 to $2,300 he ask me if I can get my boss to throw that in will you sign with him. I said sold to the highest bidder. Oh there went my intergity for just over $3,000 bucks. I think it was carma a few months later Nissan put out the cost of the Leaf right in my price range and now I have the panel so maybe I can get the free charger.