250-350 Volts Delivered in December

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2010
Long Beach, CA
NPR posted an AP article about the first Volt and LEAF deliveries. GM claims to have delivered between 250 and 350 Volts; meanwhile Nissan delivered "less than 10" LEAFs. It seems like GM has the early advantage in terms of rollout, which is interesting considering that the Volt is the more complicated car. Maybe Nissan could add extra shifts at Oppama and even the tally by the end of Q1 2011?

early Volt #'s are simply playing oneupsmanship. they pumped out a large quantity, but how long will they keep it up and what is their extended production schedule look like? what is the Leaf deliveries worldwide?

lets tally the delivery totals for first 3 months. come back march 31st and brag then

but in the long run, who cares? it could be 250,000 Volts or Leafs, but might as well be zero until i get mine.