Basic LeafSpy Question

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Sep 14, 2019
When the Summary Screen says I have X.X kWh of charge remaining on the battery, does that include the approximately 2 kWh that the battery typically holds back? Or is it only measuring the usable kWh left?
That is measuring the absolute amount of energy in the battery, with no reserve, as reported by the BMS. You will not be able to run that down completely, the car will shut down and disengage pack contactors slightly before reaching zero depending on cell voltages. This is after both low battery warnings and turtle mode activation.
Thank you! So to be clear, if it says I have 19.5 kWh remaining, I actually have 17.5 usable kWh? Or do I have 19.5 and it is not reporting the 2 kWh that the BMS usually holds back?
If it says you have 19.5 kWh, you should be able to use at least 19 kWh of it. At least that’s how it works on my Leaf.
Does the Leaf use the 20/80 battery range limiter (don't charge above 80% charge capacity, get very annoying as you get down to and below 20% charge capacity)?
The Leaf does not limit charging to 80%. (except if manually set in some earlier cars), but low SOC does get annoying, yes. My leaf (MY2012, with about 65% battery capacity left) has two warnings at about 4kWh and 2kWh left, with "turtle mode" reached at about 0,5kWh left.(In my case, 20% would be somewhere between the two warnings.) First low battery warning makes the remaining range estimate blink and shows a warning in the cluster, second "very low battery" warning shows three dashes as range and shows another warning.