Canada - stinking cold winter coming

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Sep 15, 2013
I've called Nissan but they are in the USA and I live in Saskatchewan, Canada where it gets to -40C (-40F). A typical winter day is -20-25C or -18-20F.

I can't plug my car in at work as the plugins are designed for conventional block heaters. An EVSE doesn't get a chance to latch in!

Nissan says my 2013 SL has a battery warmer - but I wonder if plugging in an interal car heater would help if I kept the inside of the car at 20C or 72F.

Anyone from Canada have any ideas on how to keep the battery warm?

Thanks... please reply

The battery heater is there to reduce the chances of a no-start due to the pack freezing, it's not really there to help performance or range. I don't think warming the cabin will substantially help.

The best thing you can do for range in the winter is park it in a heated garage. The mass of the pack is such that it will take a while for it to cool down if you're parked outside.
Ah, the annual cold battery thread!

I recommend silicone heaters with a thermostat like this:" onclick=";return false;
I am able to use the LEAF level one (AKA 120v or trickle) charger with outlets designed for block-heaters. Obviously, the charging is slow, and I need to avoid cases where the circuit might be shared, but it does work. I've not run into any places where the outlets cycle on and off, though I've heard of those existing.
pkarza said:
I can't plug my car in at work as the plugins are designed for conventional block heaters. An EVSE doesn't get a chance to latch in!

Could you please clarify this? Can you physically plug into 120 volts, or not? I don't know what "latch in" means.
I can plug in to 120V socket - but I can't get the relay on in the car and the error light (all three actually) flashes.

My Open EVSE is down to 6 A and I can't even get it to work!!

I should make a vid and post it of the stupid plugins they installed - and the hospital admin says they don't care about electric cars
pkarza said:
I can plug in to 120V socket - but I can't get the relay on in the car and the error light (all three actually) flashes.

My Open EVSE is down to 6 A and I can't even get it to work!!

I should make a vid and post it of the stupid plugins they installed - and the hospital admin says they don't care about electric cars

Do you have the Nissan EVSE that comes w the car to try? Or maybe borrow one to try?
Ok, it sounds like you're getting a GCFI (Ground Current Fault Interrupt). This is fairly common.

My suggestion does not involve the EVSE, since that isn't going to warm the battery much. Plus, just like a "block heater", it will work on those GCFI plugs and keep the battery at whatever temperature you have the thermostat set at. These silicone pads will just stick to the bottom of the battery and plug into 120 volts:" onclick=";return false;
Yup - tried the leaf EVSE - 12 Amp.

and as for those electric heaters for the battery - how do you install it? Are there any pictures or instructions for the leaf?
pkarza said:
Yup - tried the leaf EVSE - 12 Amp.

and as for those electric heaters for the battery - how do you install it? Are there any pictures or instructions for the leaf?

Pull off the plastic cover off the bottom of the battery, and affix the silicone pad heater(s), set the thermostat to 15C / 60F to 25C / 77F (recommended), run the power cord up to the charge port area, and plug it in with 120v when you want to warm the battery.

Pkarza: Is your commute that long that you think you'll have an issue? I'm in Ottawa, where temps go down to -30 degrees C in January. I had no problem with my 70 km round trip commute last winter, with no charging at work and parking outside all day.
Scott -

Not that long a commute - about 50Km each day round trip. You think it won't be a problem?

I was thinking of putting an interior car warmer inside and keeping it warm... hopefully that would give a little heat from the top down.

Ironic - that resistive heating is ok by maintenance here...
I'm in sask weyburn and I got my SV from Prince albert dealer, he assured me the modles sold here have the battery heater, it automaticly comes on at -17c to ensure the pack stays functional.

Last night I set the charge to come on at 130am for the level 2 and by 640am I was at 100% and the battery temp had 3 bars on it. I set the environmental timer to come on at 630am to preheat the car to 25C then when driving normaly I keep it at 18c.

I got to work with a good amount left over.

I all so plug the protable charger in at work and it charges no problem, so I'd try a different socket if I where you!

Next step is to get it modded to take 230V as those outlest are split, which means if you take the hot from one duplex you'll get 230/240V :)
I have yet to ever seen one here or in Alberta, but mind you I am not attaching to new buildings.

But you are indeed correct, and I found out at work it is 208V must be fed from a delta wound transformer
Hey - you bought the SV from Ron in PA!? good for you. I bought the SL. We've gone to Moose Jaw and back... and I only charge to 80% unless i do highway driving.

I have three chargers, now - the EMW 6 KW L2 Juicebox, and Open EVSE that I built that does 220V 3KW and 120V @ 720A to trickle charge. I am building the 2 X 15A 120V to 240V 12A for my open evse so I can charge faster on the go from two 120V sockets at friends and at my mother's place in Moose Jaw.

Have you bought winter tires yet?

shoot me your number so I can give you a call.. pkarza at gmail dot c o m

in one way I make the flintstones look like starfleet I gave up on phones I just have a dedicated cellular internet!

Ya I ran the numbers and see I can easily make moos jaw after hiting regina and charging, it was jeff I dealt with for the sales and a pleasent yung kid on the sales desk, will need to drive up there and meet them face to face, going to give that a try this week end.

would love to meet up for a coffee and see the gear you got as I'll definetaly be investing in some.

Need to learn more about the charging systems, and get all my electronic building gear sorted out befor geting any kits but atm would love to get a modded evse and build a rig to use the two hot phases from the duplexes at work (I am spoiled as I have access to both 30A 120 and 50Amp 208V :) at work) but atm if I am care full I get to work in weyburn with 50% to 38% and am fully charged or 95% charged by home time.

you can find me on plug share too I am the one lonely station near weyburn lol. just need some more scattered about and we'd all be set! be nice if I could get out and see the fammily back in bc.

as for winter tiresafter the move (1ton diesel and a 30 foot trailer) and all the other pricy stuff and the car I got no money left for at least 4 months lol!
would using three of these work?" onclick=";return false;
In Maryland the temperature has dipped to 5 F, much warmer than Canada, but on those nights my Ground Fault Interrupt circuit breaker trips while I am charging the Leaf. Is there a remedy?