Carwings, Is it worth it?

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Active member
Jan 17, 2013
Long Beach, CA
I understand that the 2013 base model will not have Carwings free, from what I've read here. If you were/are to buy 2013.

Would you buy the SV and not get the Carwings Subscription?
Would you buy the SV and pay for the Carwings Subscription?
Buy the SL Regardless of the Carwings Subscription?
Buy the SL Because of Free Carwings Subscription?

I am sure more questions could be in that group.

I have a 2012 SL and leased the SL because of the back-up camera. I did not even know that the Carwings was really a subscription. My understanding is free for three years and my lease is 39 months. So I assume that it will expire and will have to pay if I want to continue using it? I don't know how much that will be. Anyone know? I like the Carwings, but I don't think I am willing to pay for it. If it is only like $2-$5 a month, why not just include it in the price of the car. If it is $10-$15 make it an option and just pay $390/39months in my case. If it is crazy like $20-$30, they can keep it! It's a cool feature, but pay for it, no thanks!


BTW- I used my iPhone app to catch my dealer in a white lie. I asked them to charge the car while in their care and they said no problem. Two days later, I asked why they had not charged the car and they said they had. I showed them the app and they "took back" their statement and apologized. Little brother is watching! :)
I think you misunderstand.

AFAIK, it is the "S" base model that not only doesn't come with Carwings, but cannot use it!

Both the SV and SL come with 3 years of Carwings, same as MY11 and 12.

So S Model will not be able to use Carwings at all? Not even be able to pay for it?

Does anyone know how much it will cost once my 3 years are up?

Geraldk said:

So S Model will not be able to use Carwings at all? Not even be able to pay for it?

Does anyone know how much it will cost once my 3 years are up?

Unless carwings is almost free, I am out. But I would like to know...
Geraldk said:
So S Model will not be able to use Carwings at all? Not even be able to pay for it?
That's correct. You can get official answers to questions like this from the 2013 Nissan LEAF Press Kit. Click on the Specs tab and scroll down to Audio/Navigation. You will see that Carwings is listed as "- S S" meaning not available on S model and standard on the other two. And the text to the left says "(no charge for 36 months)" just as with the 2011 and 2012.

Geraldk said:
Does anyone know how much it will cost once my 3 years are up?
Based on identical statements in both the owners manual and the Navigation Manual, the answer is, "no one knows."
CARWINGS™ subscription services will automatically terminate at the end of the initial free term if you do not wish to renew your subscription agreement at the prices then in effect.
(red highlight added) So the answer is that they can change the price at any time and don't even need to announce a price until the end of this year when the first LEAFs turn three years old.

If the CarWings works like how it has been the last few weeks, I would pay for subscription. Always works in one attempt and response less than 30 seconds.

Not sure what can be considered as a reasonable amount...
The "S" trim changes out the center console head unit for one with a smaller screen, no nav and no cellular radio. The latter item is, I believe, the reason that Carwings is a no-go.
The only thing I want is the ability to remotely monitor my state of charge, enable the control climate, and override the timer. I would not buy an EV without those options.
Only value IMO is the ability to remote start the charging or check the charge level if you are away for an extended period.

I would trade carwings for $5 any day.
Carwings has real value for me. I use both it and the timer in my LEAF for climate control pre-conditioning. Living in Phoenix I use Carwings to start the climate control before I leave for work. That way the car is roasty toasty warm in the winter (yes, it can drop to the freezing point sometimes) and nice and cool in the summer - and range is preserved. I use the timer in the LEAF to pre-condition the car for when I leave work - which is a really big deal in the summer. I would miss Carwings very much if it were not there.
Carwings has NO real value for me. I never look at its statistics. I have never preconditioned (either remote or timed). I have used the remote charging override, but only at night and only because I was too lazy to walk out to the car and push the button.

CarWings has some value to me. I don't care about the online efficiency stuff, but I like the remote start/stop functionality (charging and CC) and the email/text notifications. Do I have a dollar figure of what those are worth...well, yes, but I'm reluctant to say how much until I get an idea of the fee Nissan is thinking of.
kubel said:
The only thing I want is the ability to remotely monitor my state of charge, enable the control climate, and override the timer. I would not buy an EV without those options.
Then don't buy a Tesla. :lol:

I guess they will get that someday, but not now.
While Carwings leaves a lot to be desired (remote locking/unlocking, % s.o.c. indication, etc) I would not characterize it as useless. It's poorly designed in that it requires too many steps to check the vehicles status and doesn't the information in the most meaningful way.
Does anybody know if there is a way to remotely start the LEAF without CARWINGS? That is the only feature I find worthwhile in the telemetrics package and I would rather be able to do it from a keychain than have to open an app on a smartphone or deal with the slow loading website. I thought the monthly subscription rate was going to be $30, which is well in excess of its value if you ask me, especially considering its slow speeds and limited reliability.
I thought the monthly subscription rate was going to be $30, which is well in excess of its value if you ask me, especially considering its slow speeds and limited reliability.

Yes, $30 is too much. $10-15 was my own expectation. Any more and I'll probably decline.
I use it regularly and would pay to keep it. Given its performance and reliability to date, I'd peg it at about $5/mo.

Add some features, speed it up, make it less clunky and more reliable and I'd double that.