Chevy Volt wins Motor Trend Car Of The Year

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I'm glad the Volt won that award. Most of you don't seem to be looking at the big picture.

- Hopefully the award will encourage more people to buy or lease Volts - people who would initially snort at a LEAF.
- Once they start driving the Volt many of them will be hooked by that 25-50 mile all electric range.
- They'll turn into enthusiastic EV advocates, and Lord knows we need as many of those as we can get.
- They will start wishing for more electric miles, and some of them (not the USA only crowd) will jump on the LEAF bandwagon.

Meanwhile, they'll be helping the GM bottom line, and that means as a taxpayer I'll be getting back more of the money that we invested in GM.
planet4ever said:
I'm glad the Volt won that award. Most of you don't seem to be looking at the big picture.

- Hopefully the award will encourage more people to buy or lease Volts - people who would initially snort at a LEAF.
- Once they start driving the Volt many of them will be hooked by that 25-50 mile all electric range.
- They'll turn into enthusiastic EV advocates, and Lord knows we need as many of those as we can get.
- They will start wishing for more electric miles, and some of them (not the USA only crowd) will jump on the LEAF bandwagon.

Meanwhile, they'll be helping the GM bottom line, and that means as a taxpayer I'll be getting back more of the money that we invested in GM.

planet4ever: YES... this is what I am saying... and made, designed and engineered in the USA
planet4ever said:
I'm glad the Volt won that award. Most of you don't seem to be looking at the big picture.

- Hopefully the award will encourage more people to buy or lease Volts - people who would initially snort at a LEAF.
- Once they start driving the Volt many of them will be hooked by that 25-50 mile all electric range.
- They'll turn into enthusiastic EV advocates, and Lord knows we need as many of those as we can get.
- They will start wishing for more electric miles, and some of them (not the USA only crowd) will jump on the LEAF bandwagon.

Meanwhile, they'll be helping the GM bottom line, and that means as a taxpayer I'll be getting back more of the money that we invested in GM.

Considering that GM has been bashing true electric vehicles, I think the Volt does more damage than good.

Considering that GM has stated that they will lose money on the car for the "forseeable future", as the majority shareholder, the US taxpayer loses money on ever Volt sold... although it does potentially serve lobbying and halo marketing purposes.
engineering and manufacturing in America, otherwise this country will become a country of used car salesmen
lne937s said:
Considering that GM has stated that they will lose money on the car for the "forseeable future", as the majority shareholder, the US taxpayer loses money on ever Volt sold... although it does potentially serve lobbying and halo marketing purposes.
GM just marks revenue as profit and costs get added to the asset side of the balance sheet. Every decade or two GM can then write down the assets in a big lump to depress the stock and issue options to the CEO. Then back on the same cycle again sucking in the investers to bid the stock up on overstated earning again. OK I exaggerate some but that is how it works.
"smkettner": now you are bringing up a different issue, that of how the richest 3% of the population (i.e. the Republicans) set up the regulations in the government to benefit themselves (because they are greedy), and screw the middle class. That is probably a separate thread, not dealing with keeping science, engineering, technology and manufacturing thriving in America
Ya know, I was just at the Motor Trend COTY site and am now just very creeped out. I was going to just let it be, but I didn't know that the Nissan LEAF was not even included in the COTY contest?!? Talk about suspect!!! For years all we have heard from Motor Trend and GM is comparison hype between the Volt and the LEAF. Then when its time for the "big show down", Motor trend doesn't even allow the Volts main Rival to compete?!? Is it just me or does it seem like every month this whole GM/Volt thing just gets more and more corrupt?!?

I mean, there is just something not right about GM and the Volt. First it's an EV that runs on gasoline?!? Then its a gasoline generator that also powers the wheels so its a hybrid?!? Then its a "Car" that bashes Electrics in its ads?!? Crazy! I think I figured it out today though. The GM Volt is a "Trojan horse". Its purpose is to destroy the EV movement from the inside out!!! No big deal since it was all paid for with our taxpayer money. Game on GM! :twisted:
TRONZ: please correct me if I am wrong, but I took from your post that you believe that this is a conspiracy.

The richest 3% percent of the population have been getting richer, while the middle class has been decimated.

The greedy Republicans enacted the legislation that led to the demise of the American economic system.

Look behind the curtain: the richest 3% have bought their (R) politicians, and their votes, making themselves richer and allowing for the economic collapse.

They are also very good at pitting American against American, so that they can maintain control.
Aaawwww common iceman... your a :? troll with multiple screen names/accounts on this forum. At least try posting from different IP's if you dont want to get caught. And NO! You are definitely NOT helping me feel... un-creeped out!
tronz: the comments in your post do not address any of the facts I presented.

you call me names (troll), but little else....
I did not hijack the thread, because I am the one who started it.

P.S. I am uninterested in participating in any type of personal attacks.
The conspiracy to loot this country even to the point of depression? Yes.
At most a few hundred families "in power"? Probably.

We manufacture so little, and buy so much from other countries, it looks like our "standard of living" will have to decrease substantially to fit into the world economy.

We buy so much cheap world goods, we no longer have jobs!
Sadly, welcome to "apartment" living.
hey what's wrong with apartment living? :) Honestly it's not that bad. When things break, I don't pay to fix it. I'm not in any debt over a home I couldn't afford to buy. I live in one of the nicest cities in the world. I don't have to deal with roommates. Now I just need to find a way to charge the $32,000 ornament about to take up space in my carport. :lol:
malloryk said:
hey what's wrong with apartment living? :) Honestly it's not that bad. When things break, I don't pay to fix it. I'm not in any debt over a home I couldn't afford to buy. I live in one of the nicest cities in the world. I don't have to deal with roommates. Now I just need to find a way to charge the $32,000 ornament about to take up space in my carport. :lol:

Ahhhhhh... Santa Monica / Venice = Rent Control! I remember those days well. Good Times! Where did that topic thingy go??? Oh ya the Volt... :roll:
The Motor Trend pick means nothing.
Ignore it, move along ... :)

Certainly apartment living can be wonderfully lovely, and usually much less stressful than home ownership (and upkeep).

Some high-density high-rise walkups with too-thin walls ... might be less "lovely".

However, even that is still WAY above the stick hut in Haiti or shanty outside Lima, which generally have no water, power, or sewer. Most have NO thought of ever owning a car, and many have never even ridden in one.

Most of us are SO BLESSED that we do not even recognize it, and have never even briefly experienced what most of the would has for daily living.

Thanksgiving time is upon us!
My best wishes to you ALL.
you too Gary! You're totally right, we should all count our blessings. We are so lucky to live in this country (with all its faults!) oh wait everyone, Kanye West wants to say something really quick:

Chevy Volt, I'll let you get back to what you were saying. But Nissan Leaf is the best car of all time! Best car of all time!!