CLIPPER CREEK CHARGER HELP!!----2014 Leaf S with 3.6k

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Fixed your post again
MikeyDsLeaf said:
Right now I'm not looking to future proof, just looking for the quickest most cost effective way to charge. Is the 20amp 240v overkill since the system maxes out at 16amp? Or is the 15amp , 1amp shy of 16 going to slow it down noticeably?

How long should these EVSEs take to charge?
Answering the how long should it take to charge is sometimes tricky because it depends on your starting SoC and ending SoC. As the battery gets full (somewhere past 80%, probably 90-ish%), the car starts tapering its charge and will go thru a "bounce" routine that's presumably part of some battery balancing. 0 to 80% will be at full speed. Somewhere between 80% and 90-ish%, things start getting slower. See" onclick=";return false; under MILES GAINED CHARGING for a rough idea, before taper.

See PDFs at" onclick=";return false; to see the taper and bounce that I'm talking about. Unfortunately, I don't think we have any graphs for a '13+ Leaf S with 3.3 kW OBC, so it's not known how it differs from the '11 and '12 Leaf which had a different OBC.
MikeyDsLeaf said:
So the million dollar question I guess is ......Is it worth the extra $200 for the charger? What would you do?

Definitely not worth $200 to go from 15 amps to 20 amps. Have you ruled out the EVSEUpgrade if your existing EVSE?
I would think that dragging the EVSE out of the car, hooking it to the dryer outlet, and reversing the process when she is ready to go home -- will become a bit of a hassle fairly quickly.

Why not charge while there on 120 volts? 3 or 4 hours should ensure that she has enough to get home. If she was going to be there for less time, the power connection and se irony before departure would be a major part of the time there.

You might consider one of the 120 volt Clipper Creek units to leave there.

In any case any case, for 120 or 240 volt, a careful check of the electrical system in the older house should be done. There are reports of 120 volt outlets overheating and catching fire from charging, even at the 12 amp 120 volt rate. It may require some electrical upgrading to ensure safe charging in an older home.

Clipper Creek has a $395 L-2 charging station that could be hardwired to the dryer outlet, for the same purchase price as an L-1 station - oddly enough...
LeftieBiker said:
Clipper Creek has a $395 L-2 charging station that could be hardwired to the dryer outlet, for the same purchase price as an L-1 station - oddly enough...
Please don't recommend someone violate NEC without at least prefacing it and including why you think it's the NEC sections you are recommending be broken can be ignored. If you aren't aware why your recommendation is not a good idea them definitely keep your electrical recon emendations to yourself until you have learned more about the NEC and electrical safety.
Looks like I'm being followed again...

I'm not suggesting a hardwired connection to the *plug*, troll, but that the outlet *box* could be used to either mount the EVSE instead if the outlet isn't in use, or could be used to add another junction box which could be used for the EVSE. It would be wise to add an either/or switch as well, although most people would know not to use a dryer and EVSE at the same time...
LeftieBiker said:
Looks like I'm being followed again...

I'm not suggesting a hardwired connection to the *plug*, troll, but that the outlet *box* could be used to either mount the EVSE instead if the outlet isn't in use, or could be used to add another junction box which could be used for the EVSE. It would be wise to add an either/or switch as well, although most people would know not to use a dryer and EVSE at the same time...

Against please refer to my previous comment.

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