Federal tax credit question: selling used

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I'd say the truth is somewhere in between what you and I are saying. True, you don't have to prove anything unless you are audited, and that will not happen until later. However, I would certainly expect the IRS computers to flag any return with a one-time $7,500 tax credit claim, and someone would be looking at a flagged return more closely. They might send you an information letter asking for the VIN, and if so, they would probably check it against DMV records.

Given that the tax code allows the $7,500 tax credit for buying the Leaf, and that it's probably on a form all its own that is just for EV purchase tax credits, I would not expect that by itself to trigger a flag, especially if there are not other unusual credits or deductions claimed. I doubt they're going to write to every purchaser of an EV and ask for proof you didn't buy the car for resale. I pay a lot of tax and my return does not look like someone piling up the deductions and credits to avoid paying.