FOR SALE: 2013 SV base, 70kmi, 10 bar (78% SOH), Albany NY

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2011
I failed to sell my 10/2013 LEAF Model 'S' with backup camera, heated 'everything' and CHAdeMO and 12 capacity bars for $7k a few months ago.

OP: you many be confusing what a dealer lists a car for and what they end up accepting. You may also want to get a couple buy offers from dealerships to calibrate your expectations.
Staque said:
Things are different where there is high availability and good state incentives on EVs.

True dat.

I bought the first new car in my life when I got a 2017 S since it was about $5k cheaper to buy new with incentives than to buy a used one. I could still sell it for a profit but I like it so much I think I'll keep it until I can't drive anymore.

But used Leaf prices are dropping around Denver compared to a year ago. There are a lot of better alternatives coming out now that weren't available back then. When they are available in your area be ready since a 24kWh car will seem kind of puny compared to the new tech.
Staque said:
Your mileage estimate is a bit pessimistic. My daily commute is 40 miles, and I drove it all winter (even at 0F, with snow tires) and had 20-25% remaining when I got home each day. This is without any special hypermiling techniques or heat rationing. You can't limit your range by being afraid of LBW's.
At what SoC does an LBW alert occur in your car ?
Staque said:
My daily experience is dismissed as "not possible in theory." :roll:
I did not state an opinion before, but I can offer up some arithmetic:

A new 24 kWh LEAF is about 22 kWh usable
We think your LEAF is at 75% capacity, so 22*0.75 = 16.5 maximum kWh usable
You say you arrive home after 40 miles of winter driving with 20 - 25% SoC remaining,
So the trip consumed ~ 16.5 * 0.775 = 12.865 kWh

That works out to 320 Wh/mile.

From my experience it is certainly possible but it would require smart use of the heating components, probably dry roads, and speeds under 65 mph. If you pre-condition the car before the drive it would go far in explaining your results.