GM Follows Ford, Will Switch from CCS to NACS

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2011

Fantastic news, and it did not take long. Perhaps M. Barra is not as dense as she seems

Poor Nissan. They finally ditch CHAdeMO ... for the losing competitor.
I started on this earlier.

Was quite a surprise to see this, just like the Ford news was a surprise.
SageBrush said:
Poor Nissan. They finally ditch CHAdeMO ... for the losing competitor.
ok, I'll say it: if Ghosn was still CEO of Nissan they would have been the first to partner with Tesla...not the last (assuming the inevitable).
Nissan went from an EV leader (with Ghosn) to an EV follower (without Ghosn). I still love my Leaf, but it's probably the last Nissan car I'll ever buy.
SageBrush said:

Fantastic news, and it did not take long. Perhaps M. Barra is not as dense as she seems

Poor Nissan. They finally ditch CHAdeMO ... for the losing competitor.

Mixed news. End of the charging connector war looks likely. Ending the connector war is a good thing. Some of the implications are not good.

Nissan (unless insane) couldn't have switched to TPC as switching to CCS was done before opening the Tesla standard.
Stanton said:
SageBrush said:
Poor Nissan. They finally ditch CHAdeMO ... for the losing competitor.
ok, I'll say it: if Ghosn was still CEO of Nissan they would have been the first to partner with Tesla...not the last (assuming the inevitable).
Nissan went from an EV leader (with Ghosn) to an EV follower (without Ghosn). I still love my Leaf, but it's probably the last Nissan car I'll ever buy.

If Ghosn had been running things, Nissan would still have the global lead in sales, and I would be driving an electric Frontier. Well, my guess anyway. The way Nissan threw away a global lead on one of the most important tech changes of the past 50 years is pitiful. Certainly will make a good case study in someone's economic curriculum--how not to run a global car maker.
Maybe I'll start another thread about this: says that ABB is adding NACS as an option on their products. ABB makes many models of DC FCs.
cwerdna said:
Maybe I'll start another thread about this: says that ABB is adding NACS as an option on their products. ABB makes many models of DC FCs.

I suggest instead a thread consolidating all the charger infrastructure universe transition to NACS. We can cover manufacturers, installers, port conversions, and adapters.

In that vein:
1. EVGO has said they will add NACS to their stations
2. Flo (mostly in Canada I think) will also add NACS to their stations

Tesla will design and manufacture NACS -> CCS adapters for legacy GM and Ford EVs. 'Expected in 2024'. I have my doubts that other CCS cars will be excluded, but I suppose it is possible for non-technical reasons. I'll guess more likely that the payment process will be less elegant and prone to the same handshaking time-outs as the present CCS system.
Honda has joined the NACS bandwagon, both for their upcoming GM sourced vehicles and later for their own brew