I don't understand the headlights

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Actually, you can observe this effect yourself anytime it snows. I've always found snow to be an excellent "real world wind tunnel" wrt visualizing airflow over a car. If it doesn't snow where you live, you can see it even in the rain. Look at the front side windows - the rain clearly splits into two paths around the mirrors.

Just don't stare too long. It can become mesmerizing...
MrIanB said:
Congrats. D is for zippy driving and full power upon pressing pedal but, regen braking is less. Put it in E for ECO mode, your initial acceleration is slower when pressing the pedal but, your range is increased and regen braking is stronger.
Ian B

Actually, you can get 'zippy' driving in ECO also, just press the pedal farther down. It's the same acceleration in either mode, depending on how far you push the go pedal. Also, in ECO, your HVAC system uses less energy.
HoustonFlier said:
waitingforaleaf said:
It's a bit sad when the paid, professional "expert" is significantly less knowledgeable than the standard Leaf owner...

Seen a lot of salesman who never study up on product they sell, spew lies, to sell you something (not just EV).

My favorite was when a salesperson bragged about a car having "overdrive". I asked what that was, and they told me, "Oh, the car puts a negative charge on the engine". Next time you buy a car, ask lots of questions*

* For entertainment purposes only.
mkjayakumar said:
is it true that the Beetle runs on Diesel ?
Yes. Almost every model VW makes has a choice between gasoline or diesel (and in 2013: diesel-electric hybrid).

It sounds like the "E" mode in the Leaf works a lot like the "E" mode in the Civic HF. It doesn't change much, except the pedal makes you press harder to get the same acceleration.
Would much rather have had the small mirrors and Nissan z headlights. If only someone could slap some sense into Nissans engineers and make them create a hot looking EV. I can dream can't I?

I think this looks good.