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Jan 9, 2014
Dallas/Irving, TX
I've been reading this forum the past couple of weeks learning about the Leaf, plug-in cars in general and the types of people posting here. Some are buyers who got less than they expected, some are evangelical and would rework their life to accommodate electric driving, etc., etc..

I'm in a weird mood this evening and started wondering if internet forums (or whatever suspension-of-reality-or-disbelief manner where common people from all locales could discuss in near-real-time) existed for other new technologies....

For the toilet and indoor plumbing, would there be people asking why you would ever want to do THAT inside their houses? Would others plan their travel around access to indoor toilets to avoid using outhouses?

For electricity, would there be those who only trusted gas lights and find all sorts of flaws with home electric service?

For the automobile, how would the split be on people thinking it was a fad or the future? Horses could do all sorts of things autos couldn't, I imagine. Why give up so much versatility?
People get acclimated and comfortable, so resistance to change isn't unusual. Yet the hallmark of humanity is our ability to adapt. There'll be a learning curve when you first get one, then it will become nomal nd routine. You're doing well to be researching now. Weird moods and all.
Indoor toilets may have seemed bad, but did anyone object to indoor plumbing? There was an awful lot of objection to your other examples, electric lights and automobiles. The objectors had a lot of valid points, but not many are going back now.

How about GMOs, drones and electronic surveillance? Hot issues these days, relatively new and certainly not going away.. I'm not sure where I stand on any of them.