Jan 2019 LEAF Sales in the US: 717

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2011
From the folks at insideevs.com
The number may be an estimate, but they have an excellent track record.

I am not even sure that Nissan is hitting their CARB compliance requirements. Pretty sad for a model under one year old
There are a lot of other (often better) EV options out there already or literally just round the corner... Plus, Nissan does not have an exactly stellar record, either in general or with the Leaf specifically... It may be catching up with them...

I'll be buying another EV this year and Nissan is not even on my radar...

SageBrush said:
I am not even sure that Nissan is hitting their CARB compliance requirements. Pretty sad for a model under one year old
I cannot see how you so blatantly are trashing this car... The Leaf has been one of the best wide spread EVs out there for years. Yes, they can improve on them , but don't just publicly trash it..
Tired of waiting for Nissan to get it right. Poor TMS, dealers act like they are doing you a favor to ORDER you a Leaf Plus, not serious enough to have one on the lot or even have a clue when one may arrive. I finally realized I can't make a square peg fit into a round hole, scrapping the notion of putting a Nissan anything in the garage. Went TESLA instead. Best decision on car possible. The Leaf just had too many compromises to accept. Lies, poor support, no more. I feel at home in my Model 3 LR. Love the adaptors to fit ANY power source, the summon feature is great on rainy days at work and when grocery shopping, major "wow factor". Had my color, trim and battery in the garage within 3 weeks. See ya!
Nissan may have finally shot the other foot: having relied largely on word of mouth, and on forums like this to support sales - and doing very little advertising themselves - the large number of people who are unhappy with the Leaf I may have soured that word of 'Net enough to suppress sales. They may actually have to pry a few pennies out of their purse for advertising...
Speak of advertising, here in Florida, I see a Leaf advertisement @ lest 3 or 4 times a day every day. Started about 3 weeks ago.
Eyeresearch said:
Tired of waiting for Nissan to get it right. Poor TMS, dealers act like they are doing you a favor to ORDER you a Leaf Plus, not serious enough to have one on the lot or even have a clue when one may arrive. I finally realized I can't make a square peg fit into a round hole, scrapping the notion of putting a Nissan anything in the garage. Went TESLA instead. Best decision on car possible. The Leaf just had too many compromises to accept. Lies, poor support, no more. I feel at home in my Model 3 LR. Love the adaptors to fit ANY power source, the summon feature is great on rainy days at work and when grocery shopping, major "wow factor". Had my color, trim and battery in the garage within 3 weeks. See ya!
It is actually not quite that open and shut for the potential new buyer.

TomT said:
Didn't influence me at all and I am happily driving my (so far trouble free) Tesla 3...

Dooglas said:
It is actually not quite that open and shut for the potential new buyer.

You may be having your honeymoon, but I'd like to see what car you are driving in 6-8 years. Bet it will not be a T.
powersurge said:
You may be having your honeymoon, but I'd like to see what car you are driving in 6-8 years. Bet it will not be a T.
I'll happily take that bet.
SageBrush said:
powersurge said:
You may be having your honeymoon, but I'd like to see what car you are driving in 6-8 years. Bet it will not be a T.
I'll happily take that bet.
I wish someone had made that bet with me 6-8 years ago!