Well-known member
lorenfb said:"44,598 miles on 2011 LEAF (retired) 2013 LEAF;14,388 miles. Ah; 64.24-66.39, Hx; 97.11-102.35% kwh 22.0 @70% estimate; 127,105 miles
Sep 2014 Drive Stats. Corolla;213 miles, $19.20, LEAF;2032 miles $44.78
My Blog; http://daveinolywa.blogspot.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; "
So the 64-66 Ahr values should be easily corroborated by average ranges exceeding most 2013 Leafs'
range by 5-10%, i.e. the low to mid 90 miles for that additional Ahrs.
Can't do it now but every month on the 1st, I do a job that is 95.6 miles roundtrip and yes, it is done in the LEAF on a single charge. Because of Winter, rain, etc. my range is now roughly 85 miles and that will likely drop to 77-80 miles when the temps drop farther in Jan