May Deliveries! Or... May(be)?

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davekern said:
I am starting to wonder if it is worth buying this car. They are so messed up as a company and I don't know about buying a post storm car. Remember the American car quality for Friday builds back in the 70's? I could get a Lemon because of the problems. I don't mean to be insensitive and I want to help the Japanese on a personal level but from a financial perspective I think it may be a mistake.
I have a hard time equating what the American car companies were doing in the 1970s compares to Japan then and much less today. I believe post quake cars will be every bit as good and with probably even more quality checks as they restart the line. And just because Nissan does not give CS any real info does not mean the records are a shambles or nonexistant. Your time will be here soon and the car will be just as good as the rest.
smkettner said:
davekern said:
I am starting to wonder if it is worth buying this car. They are so messed up as a company and I don't know about buying a post storm car.
I have a hard time equating what the American car companies were doing in the 1970s compares to Japan then and much less today. I believe post quake cars will be every bit as good and with probably even more quality checks as they restart the line. And just because Nissan does not give CS any real info does not mean the records are a shambles or nonexistant. Your time will be here soon and the car will be just as good as the rest.

Rightly or wrongly, my wife (who will use the LEAF for her daily 40 mile commute) has exactly the same concerns as davekern.

I really would like to continue to support the company's efforts towards moving all of us toward a BEV transportation future. But, the lack of any real feedback with regards to where we stand in the delivery queue combined with the prospect of receiving a post quake car more than 7 months after our order date (when others who ordered much later are scheduled to receive theirs within 3 to 4 months) is making it very difficult for me to do so.

Nissan, are you listening? Do you care?
If delivery issues don't get resolved in the next week and Nissan continues with their plan to fulfill the Jan/Feb orders, I will consider canceling my order. I was very enthusiastic about this car, but now I am concerned about Nissan as a company. We have been holding off replacing a dying car waiting for our Leaf to arrive (as I'm sure others are).

Our PD knows nothing about the car itself, CS is clueless and Nissan can't bother to send an email to its customer with an update.

What gives?

Res. 4/20/10
Ordered 10/30/10
Del. May(be) who really knows :roll:
cordero said:
[Nissan, are you listening? Do you care?

Nissan, do something, say something! You have our emails....[/quote]

If Nissan lists everyone’s order (VS reservation) date and delivery date to us/public, will it help to clear some unnecessary debates / arguments here? We might have the right to know it, right?

When I called Nissan CS, the CS never told me my sequence number (order & reservation).
I ordered my leaf on Jan 13. As most of you, my ETD was changed from April to May to Pending. I am not sure whether main cause for this change was “forgotten Sep/Oct order group” over the “Earthquake and tsunami”. I really hope Japanese will recover from the disaster ASAP. I also hope the forgotten group will get their cars in appropriate time frame.

Is there any expectation of delivery time frame for order in January’s group?
Beachcliffs said:
davekern said:
I am starting to wonder if it is worth buying this car.
Rightly or wrongly, my wife >> has exactly the same concerns as davekern.
lisaleaf said:
If delivery issues don't get resolved in the next week and Nissan continues with their plan to fulfill the Jan/Feb orders, I will consider canceling my order.
For the last two days there has been few status announcements from Nissan on both this thread and the April delivery thread. I am taking this as a good sign that Nissan is busy doing what they promised ttweed on the "Forgotten Sept/Oct Orders" thread. With the computer systems messed-up, they are delaying new status changes while they manually rectify the delivery order using invoices. Nissan seems to be committed to fixing things before they lose orders.

Even if Nissan resumes Leaf production at a much lower rate than 200 cars/day, it should not take them long to finish the original production target of 4K cars allocated to the US and Europe. However, beyond these are the thousands of additional reservations from the second-tier states that were delayed to the second half of 2011.

If post-earthquake production is delayed too long, at what point would Nissan switch to 2012 production? If I could get a 2012 model by the end of this year with the 6 KW charger, that could be a tempting option for me. Of course the price could go up (the Yen has appreciated about 12% vs the $), and if there is no reservation system for 2012 models, dealers could demand large markups. That is a lot of uncertainty.
HIOJim said:
ttweed said:
HIOJim said:
This is America, where what's fair is what you can get away with.
This is an interesting viewpoint, which could easily be interpreted by some as a sad commentary on our American society, and quite different than the Japanese attitude being expressed in their national response to the current disaster, where the group is placed higher than the individual.
Read the news and make your own judgements. I take no pleasure in where we are headed as a society, but it is what it is. I'm just not going to return my car so Beachcliffs can boost his EV street cred. :)
HIOJim said:
You lost me here, Andy. I guess the tragedy in Japan has become the new 'you're Hitler!' in Internet discourse.
I'm going to respond here, Jim, because I started this thread and feel responsible for it in spite of my dislike for the direction it's gone.

First - specifically to you - I, like Tom, do not agree with your suggestion that that country is about what one can get away with. You pointed to the news - and I agree that if one builds their view of this country from her news reports it doesn't look good for the home team. News agencies exist for only one purpose - to keep viewers in their seats -- because more viewers means more ad revenue and increased profits. And nothing keeps viewers glued to their seats like fear.

The simple facts is that if all the bad in the world - including acts of sociopaths everywhere - is put into proper perspective, a one hour newscast would consist of 59 minutes and 59 seconds of 'better than neutral' stories and a bit under a second of 'less than neutral' information. So no - I absolutely cannot agree with your assertion that this country is as you seem to think, or that Japan is either.

As for the rest of where this thread has gone -- Nissan has acknowledged that a block of orders were somehow processed out of order and they've stated they're fixing it. That seems to me that everyone that feels they've been wronged have won and will soon see signs that the problem has been fixed. Since we also know there are about 1500 cars in SoCal (minus the last few days deliveries), and we know that plenty of 'May' folks are now 'pending' folks, it seems to reinforce that a correction is imminent.

But I would ask for two things moving forward. The first is to keep in mind that this forum is being used for fodder by anti-EV reporting as we've already seen. How much do we want to support those who would gladly keep us from EVER receiving our EVs? The second is to keep in mind that yes - Japan just got whacked by a set of problems of Biblical proportion and it isn't over yet. While it's certainly in their best interest to get their industries on-line as quickly as possible so they can use the cash flow to support rebuilding their country, it's also in our best interest to keep that in mind as we wait, sometimes impatiently, to hear about our cars. No, Jim - not Hitler. Just perspective.

I'm very thankful that I have electricity for the computer, running water that doesn't glow in the dark, food on the shelf, and a reliable broadband connection to the world. My car will arrive when it does. It's just a car.

Back to my time in post-Maybe Penduary already in progress.


There are only two masters - Love and Fear. Chose which you will serve.
AndyH said:
I'm going to respond here, Jim, because I started this thread and feel responsible for it in spite of my dislike for the direction it's gone.

First - specifically to you - I, like Tom, do not agree with your suggestion that that country is about what one can get away with....
Hi Andy,

From what I've seen of your posts on this site you appear to be a smart, caring, helpful person. You were the last person I wanted to alienate with my posts. And I agree with you that the majority of the US is not as I portrayed it. I was using hyperbole that did not translate well in the written word and regret that part of my post.

AndyH said:
As for the rest of where this thread has gone -- Nissan has acknowledged that a block of orders were somehow processed out of order and they've stated they're fixing it...
I applaud this effort. What I don't appreciate is being called 'line jumper', then told to not be offended by that and to stop 'taking myself so seriously' and then told that I should 'do what is fair' based on some papier mache caricature of a benign Japanese people. Please. If Nissan has wronged you, I suggest you attack Nissan and not the people they mistakenly assigned cars to.

AndyH said:
But I would ask for two things moving forward. The first is to keep in mind that this forum is being used for fodder by anti-EV reporting as we've already seen. How much do we want to support those who would gladly keep us from EVER receiving our EVs?
Not at all. And I don't think I have, unless you think disagreeing with someone is 'supporting the enemy'.
AndyH said:
The second is to keep in mind that yes - Japan just got whacked by a set of problems of Biblical proportion and it isn't over yet. While it's certainly in their best interest to get their industries on-line as quickly as possible so they can use the cash flow to support rebuilding their country, it's also in our best interest to keep that in mind as we wait, sometimes impatiently, to hear about our cars. No, Jim - not Hitler. Just perspective.
No argument there. I wish nothing but a speedy recovery for Japan and its people. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes for Nissan to assign me a car. If they want to reassign my VIN to someone else, fine. I won't pretend that I will like it, but that would be their choice.

AndyH said:
I'm very thankful that I have electricity for the computer, running water that doesn't glow in the dark, food on the shelf, and a reliable broadband connection to the world. My car will arrive when it does. It's just a car.
As I am, and yes it is. I didn't think this was part of our disagreement.

Best regards,

smkettner said:
davekern said:
I am starting to wonder if it is worth buying this car. They are so messed up as a company and I don't know about buying a post storm car. Remember the American car quality for Friday builds back in the 70's? I could get a Lemon because of the problems. I don't mean to be insensitive and I want to help the Japanese on a personal level but from a financial perspective I think it may be a mistake.
I have a hard time equating what the American car companies were doing in the 1970s compares to Japan then and much less today. I believe post quake cars will be every bit as good and with probably even more quality checks as they restart the line. And just because Nissan does not give CS any real info does not mean the records are a shambles or nonexistant. Your time will be here soon and the car will be just as good as the rest.

I hope you are right about that! Both have come a long way since the 1970s. When writing this I was frustrated that it took CS 10 minutes to even find my order under 5 different ways. I hope only the best for the Japanese people but they are dealing with a lot right now...

What will really hurt them is bad press and the potential for Ford to have a home run with the Focus. Of course there are a lot of ifs in that short statement. We don't really even know if Ford is going to take this seriously yet.
Who has reported that "Nissan is aware of the problem and is fixing it"? Or is this just another rumor?

My dealer sent an email to its Nissan regional rep last week making a strong issue about people who ordered in Sept/Oct and have not gotten cars yet. The dealer has 3 names (including mine) in the email as examples of this fiasco. The dealer told me they have already delivered cars to people who had ordered well AFTER the three of us.

The rep's response was vague as usual, but he said something to the effect that those of us who have been moved back to "pending" have cars that "were affected by the disaster". What does that mean? Were they destroyed? Were they somewhat damaged and will be repaired before being sent out? I for one do not want a car that has been damaged somewhere along the line and then repaired and delivered to me.I think we will have to make Nissan put in writing that our cars are fresh off the assembly line.

I have been very calm about this up to now and have not complained at all to anyone in Nissan or on this forum. However, this latest news is starting to get to me. And Nissan's lack of communication to us buyers who are floating around with no information is becoming VERY ANNOYING!
Speak up to us NISSAN! Tell us anything. Tell us to go to hell, but just tell us something.
avanti5010 said:
Who has reported that "Nissan is aware of the problem and is fixing it"? Or is this just another rumor?
Read the The forgotten Sept/Oct orders.

Or specifically ttweed's post in that thread where he discusses the call he got from Nissan Corporate.

He's subsequently had his dashboard updated to mid April - so at least his delivery issue has been fixed. It appears that some others are slowly getting fixed too, but there's not enough movement to tell.
avanti5010 said:
Who has reported that "Nissan is aware of the problem and is fixing it"? Or is this just another rumor?


I have been very calm about this up to now and have not complained at all to anyone in Nissan or on this forum. However, this latest news is starting to get to me. And Nissan's lack of communication to us buyers who are floating around with no information is becoming VERY ANNOYING!
Speak up to us NISSAN! Tell us anything. Tell us to go to hell, but just tell us something.
Drees has already provided the link... Here - I'll bring the info to you and highlight some bits. I hope it helps.

ttweed said:
drees said:
To be honest - Sat may be optimistic if your car is on Luna Spirit. It might be until Monday before those cars are scanned into the system... It seems to take 2-4 days after a ship docks before people's dashboards start changing to "week of" and the VIN becomes available...
Ya, understood. I was actually just hoping to have some feedback from CS by Sat. as promised. It may be a stretch to hope for an actual VIN by then, given the logistics involved in unloading and processing deliveries from two ships.

As it turns out, I didn't have to wait that long, though. Apparently, my concerns and issues were escalated finally, and I got a personal call from Nissan Corporate this morning. I am calm and relaxed over this whole process now, finally. I have been assured that they are working as quickly as possible to resolve all my questions, and get the proper communication out to all of us who are waiting on their cars. I really had no idea of the impact on production and delivery the disaster in Japan has had, and it is more extensive than I thought, reaching even into their information systems. Nissan USA is still not able to have the kind of visibility on factory production and scheduling that they are accustomed to, and are even doing some things "manually" now that have formerly been automated. It turns out that I should have received an email last Sat. or Mon. with a status update, but I didn't, so that is indicative of how tenuous the whole process has become until systems are restored fully. I learned that the plant in Oppama was not seriously damaged, but is still suffering from electrical supply problems that could compromise safety of workers. They are scrambling to rebuild the supply chain and arranging with redundant suppliers of parts when their normal sources cannot deliver. It is an immense and unexpected interruption to business as usual, and their production scheduling has a BIG hole blown in it. There WILL be delays, and they understand some customers may be frustrated to the point of canceling their orders, and they don't want that to happen. They are still assessing the impact on individual customers and endeavoring to get correct status updates out to each one ASAP. Some people may have received incorrect information that will have to be updated, and some like me may have not received any information at all yet. What made my day, though, was that they insisted that their goal was to continue to deliver cars in the sequence they were ordered (not reserved). Most of the "outlying" delivery notices that we have seen here for orders in Jan. & Feb. were the result of a communication error by a vendor processing the wrong batch of information, I was told, and they are in the process of rectifying this. As long as I have a fair shot at getting the CA rebate, I am happy. They can deliver my car whenever. :D

(But sooner would be better, Nissan, if you are listening, which I know now you are!)
My order is an example of one that was moved as part of the scheduling fix so I have no doubt that they're working their plan.
OK, so ttweed has been "fixed". What about the rest of us? Nissan just "oiled the squeaky wheel".
Why can't they tell the rest of us where we stand?
As I said before, Nissan should tell us something, anything. Tell us to go to hell, just tell us something.
avanti5010 said:
OK, so ttweed has been "fixed". What about the rest of us? Nissan just "oiled the squeaky wheel".
Why can't they tell the rest of us where we stand?
As I said before, Nissan should tell us something, anything. Tell us to go to hell, just tell us something.
Nissan is still being a bit circumspect, in general. For those that are successful in "elevating" their particular situation, Nissan appears to be providing a bit more information, but still not a a full story. I don't know if this will help at all, but here is my "take-away" of the phone call I received yesterday (I believe from someone at Nissan-USA Telematics):
  • -they acknowledged that there was a software (or human) error in allowing a batch of Jan/Feb orders to be filled early (HIOJim might notice that I refrained from using the term "leap frogged") and they are well along the way toward fixing the problem (meaning it won't happen again, but they are not intending to pull VINs from anyone that has already received one)
  • - the cars for those with a "static" status of May(be) were indeed likely on one of the last boats out of Yokohama
  • - it is too early to tell for the folks that moved from May to Penduary (which probably means that some will make the cut and others won't, but they won't know until they get further along with processing the multitude of cars currently in Long Beach)
Beachcliffs said:
  • -they acknowledged that there was a software (or human) error in allowing a batch of Jan/Feb orders to be filled early (HIOJim might notice that I refrained from using the term "leap frogged")...
Much appreciated! :)
Went to check this morning and got a server error:

Internal Server Error - Read
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

I hope I don't get this from the car when and if I eventually get it.