My Leaf is taking forever to come in!!! :(

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2013
I want my Leaf so bad! I can't stop looking at them online! It took me forever to find a dealer that had any or that was half helpful in finding one. I finally found one 45mins away that have one coming in at the end of August! I put a deposit on it already. I will most likely get it the 2nd week of September. The excitement of it coming in is killing me!!!

P.S: They are impossible to find in my area! PA. Unless you don't care about what color, package or model.
My wife and I call this "waiting for the beanie".


back in 2011, folks waited a year and then more. then on March 11 there was the hurricane that f'ed fukushima and also flooded the leaf lot and assembly plant, which was also on the coast. there was further damage to suppliers for the leaf.
some folks waited a long time.
cossie1600 said:
Dealer I bought it from had 12, one I almost bought it from had 18, but mostly SV and SL though

That's more current inventory than in all of Canada.

There's a provincial rebate that's dropping from $8,000 to $4,000 in 2014 and a lot of people are wondering if they'll be able to take delivery by then. This supply issue may drive people to the VOLT.
thankyouOB said:
back in 2011, folks waited a year and then more. then in March there was the hurricane the f'ed fukushima and also flooded the leaf lot and plant.
some folks waited a long time.
Right. I put down my $100 deposit on Apr 20, 2010. I was finally allowed to submit a formal order on Sep 2, 2010. I didn't get my car until May 2, 2011. They messed up my order and gave me the wrong one, but by that time I was ready to take anything that had 4 wheels and an electric motor.

Wow those are some crazy stories and wait times!

Guess I should be happy that it should only take 4 to 5 weeks total. I am halfway done :D

I wonder why some places have a ton of them while others they are next to impossible to find. I know a place about 5 hours from me had 2-3 of the exact one I wanted. But then in my area every dealer said they couldn't find any and had to wait for a shipment of them.

Any idea when this car should be easier to get? I know that plant just opened up, hopefully in the next year to two they can keep up with demand easily.
I also remember being anxious about taking delivery after a 25 month wait and the Nissan website debacle. You will love it once you get it.
Rauv said:
I also remember being anxious about taking delivery after a 25 month wait and the Nissan website debacle. You will love it once you get it.

What was the Nissan website debacle?
Berlino said:
That's more current inventory than in all of Canada.

There's a provincial rebate that's dropping from $8,000 to $4,000 in 2014 and a lot of people are wondering if they'll be able to take delivery by then. This supply issue may drive people to the VOLT.

Interesting...on a recent visit to Nova Scotia, I saw a total of one Leaf, and it was owned by the City of Halifax.
The sales guy said California makes up for majority of the sales and we have the infrastructure, so nissan just shipped most of them here
cossie1600 said:
The sales guy said California makes up for majority of the sales and we have the infrastructure, so nissan just shipped most of them here

No doubt, and Nissan probably benefits more per unit from sales California thanks to CARB legislation.

However, imagine being a Nissan dealer, investing $40,000+ to be certified to sell LEAFs, and then having Nissan only ship you TWO EV's for an entire model year.
This seems to be happening in 2013 to some Canadian dealers.
matth said:
Interesting...on a recent visit to Nova Scotia, I saw a total of one Leaf, and it was owned by the City of Halifax.

I notice there is only one LEAF dealer (out of eleven Nissan dealers) in all of the Atlantic provinces. Unless they've benefited from government or business fleet purchases like the one you mention, I'd wager that they've sold less than five LEAFs total.

There are no Federal incentives to purchase EV's in Canada, and only BC, Ont, and QC offer incentives at the provincial level.
jkendt1989 said:
Rauv said:
I also remember being anxious about taking delivery after a 25 month wait and the Nissan website debacle. You will love it once you get it.

What was the Nissan website debacle?

The initial Leaf rollout was through the Leaf website, and Nissan kept changing the date that my Leaf would be delivered, and it was frustrating because the date changed almost daily (and in the end, never was right, even up to the time I got the call from the dealer that the car was IN)
Rauv said:
The initial Leaf rollout was through the Leaf website, and Nissan kept changing the date that my Leaf would be delivered, and it was frustrating because the date changed almost daily (and in the end, never was right, even up to the time I got the call from the dealer that the car was IN)
Oh, I thought maybe you were referring to the fact that at reservation time they had a bug in their cookie processing so kept some of us chasing our tails trying to get through. Or the fact that they said they accepted American Express, but rejected all AmEx numbers as invalid. Or that during the first six months the system kept going down. Or that it was the most gawdawful user un-friendly interface you can imagine. Or that if you elected not to go with the EVSE they wanted you to buy, you got stuck in the order process and could not proceed.

Ah, those were the days!
