MY12 Leaf : SV $35,200, SL $37,250 - $369 Lease

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I have 15K a year on my lease. I seriously doubt I can drive more than that... Currently I am averaging about 13K a year...

TangoKilo said:
Just buy the LEAF... I challenge any of you to drive under the max mileage in a lease... :mrgreen:
TangoKilo said:
Just buy the LEAF... I challenge any of you to drive under the max mileage in a lease... :mrgreen:
I accept that challenge.

It all depends on your commute. Currently averaging about half of my 15K miles allocation. ;-)
I normally drive 12k per year in my 4 wheeled vehicle and another 4k on my 2 wheeler... I still can't get that ear to ear smile off my face every time I jump into my LEAF... My 2 wheeler is not happy with me :mrgreen: I also look for any excuse to drive my EV... I'll bet you will find it just as irresistible... 4100 miles so far in 72 days :cool:
He lamented the lack of empathy, he did not ask for sympathy. The words are related, but they are not synonymous. :)

davewill said:
Yanquetino said:
As usual, the empathy in this forum is overwhelming.
As soon as you have a complaint I have sympathy with, I'll be sympathetic.
As a practical matter, I'm not so sure that it could have done so. Nissan needs to have a dealership trained and equiped to service the cars before it can have it selling them. My guess is that the training and equiping process is going slower than was originally anticipated.

I agree completely that Nissan should be explaining what's going on and why a whole lot more, the lack of information is inexcusable.

solarchargeddriver said:
Nissan absolutely could have decided to be fair and deliver LEAFs to everyone who plopped down $99 in APril 2010 before they went to other folks. It chose not to, but it could have done so.
Let's see if I can address some of the other issues raised in this thread without quoting anyone, and in the context of my own situation that, in one way or another, does not seem to be common with most of the people in this forum.

I agree with many people that it would be nice from the buyer's perspective if more things were optional. But, in my limited experience with other Japanese manufacturers (Honda, to be specific), there are few options. You get what you get with each trim level. From the manufacturer's perspective, it may be more expensive to have more options. Standardization saves time and money on the assembly line, offering more options would raise the cost of production and thus the cost to the consumer no matter what trim level or options a particular buyer ordered.

For myself, I need the cold weather package but have no need whatsoever for the quick charge feature - even if I wanted the capability, there simply are not going to be any QCs in my area for the foreseeable future. My current reservation is for an SL, but I will review the differences between SL and SV trim levels and consider changing to the SV to maintain price.

I live in a Tier 3 state but can look across the river from my home into a Tier 2 state. Today I've changed my preferred dealer to one across the river in the Tier 2 state, I wonder if that will enable me to order come the opening of the Tier 2 states? I'll have to pay that dealer a visit and say 'Hello' in the near future.
Yodrak said:
I live in a Tier 3 state but can look across the river from my home into a Tier 2 state. Today I've changed my preferred dealer to one across the river in the Tier 2 state, I wonder if that will enable me to order come the opening of the Tier 2 states? I'll have to pay that dealer a visit and say 'Hello' in the near future.
This has been discussed here. Your order timing is "hard locked" to the State of the billing address of the credit card you used to placed the resevation. It remains locked to the original state at the time the reservation was placed even if you move. One member had to cancel his original reservation and reserve again with the with his new billing address after moving.
Oh I agree the leaf is a very nice car. But here are the facts My Honda can go 500 to 600 miles on a tank and take 5 mim. to fill up. The leaf can go about 80 miles and takes at least 8 hours ( 220) and more like 20 hours ( 110) to fully charge. Any common sense look makes it a limited car. that plus the increase price makes it non starter. Also you can forget the 7500 Fed credit it will be gone next year.
The credit is the only reason that I don't wait for the 2013 with a 6.6
charger. I'm betting that the incentives will be gone or reduced and
that would take it out of my range.
malamastra said:
Oh I agree the leaf is a very nice car. But here are the facts My Honda can go 500 to 600 miles on a tank and take 5 mim. to fill up. The leaf can go about 80 miles and takes at least 8 hours ( 220) and more like 20 hours ( 110) to fully charge. Any common sense look makes it a limited car. that plus the increase price makes it non starter. Also you can forget the 7500 Fed credit it will be gone next year.

If you really don't understand the purpose of Leaf, I would suggest keeping your Honda that would let you go over 500 miles. Actually, I personally don't recommend Leaf for anyone who has only one car in household for obvious reasons, but I am sure there are plenty of people who are ok with it.
TangoKilo said:
Just buy the LEAF... I challenge any of you to drive under the max mileage in a lease... :mrgreen:

You're on! I am averaging about 1K miles/mo. and my lease is for 15K. I've never put 15K miles on any car in one year.
malamastra said:
...Also you can forget the 7500 Fed credit it will be gone next year.
Bad information. The tax credit starts to phase out AFTER 200,000 EVs from a manufacturer. We'll be good for a long while yet.
malamastra said:
But here are the facts: My Honda can go 500 to 600 miles on a tank and take 5 mim. to fill up. The leaf can go about 80 miles and takes at least 8 hours ( 220). Any common sense look makes it a limited car.

Some of your 'facts' are incorrect. I fill my LEAF to 80% charge from one bar in about 4 hours, not 8, which will take me OVER 100 miles. It's only limited until the DC QCs are installed which will be by the end of this year. Then I will be able to drive anywhere I choose basically for FREE! You, on the other hand, will be paying TONS more for using your ICE car and whether it can go 500 or 800 miles on a tank will be a moot point. You'll still be polluting our environment and we'll be helping to keep it clean. A lot of us charge using PVs. And don't forget all of your maintenance/upkeep that you will have to do and are doing now;ours is minimum. Hmmm, let me see, the only maintenance in the first year is to have the tires rotated and a free battery pack check. :mrgreen:
Wow! You clearly are a much better hypermiler than me, drive only downhill, or never go over 45... I've never been able to get even close to 100 miles on 80 percent around here in the real world...

LEAFfan said:
I fill my LEAF to 80% charge from one bar in about 4 hours, not 8, which will take me OVER 100 miles.
Agreed that it's a limited car, but many of us live within those limits. So while it may cramp your style, it suits me just fine.
malamastra said:
The leaf can go about 80 miles and takes at least 8 hours (220) and more like 20 hours (110) to fully charge. Any common sense look makes it a limited car.

Nah, that would be a tax increase. The Tea Party will never let that happen! :p
malamastra said:
Also you can forget the 7500 Fed credit it will be gone next year.
I take it that you won't be chosing to drive to St Louis, or to a lot of other places that won't be installing DC QCs this year, or next year, or the year after that?

LEAFfan said:
It's only limited until the DC QCs are installed which will be by the end of this year. Then I will be able to drive anywhere I choose basically for FREE!
I expect that you are correct, but the dealer seemed to think that he could sell me a Leaf - when he can get one - without regard to the fact that I live across the state line. It did seem that he has a lot of homework to do, though, so he may be wrong. He told me that I was only the 2nd person to enquire about the Leaf and the other one was a year ago!

tps said:
Yodrak said:
I live in a Tier 3 state but can look across the river from my home into a Tier 2 state. Today I've changed my preferred dealer to one across the river in the Tier 2 state, I wonder if that will enable me to order come the opening of the Tier 2 states? I'll have to pay that dealer a visit and say 'Hello' in the near future.
This has been discussed here. Your order timing is "hard locked" to the State of the billing address of the credit card you used to placed the resevation. It remains locked to the original state at the time the reservation was placed even if you move. One member had to cancel his original reservation and reserve again with the with his new billing address after moving.