New Leafer from AZ..

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Nov 12, 2013
Gilbert, AZ
Hello all and thanks for this wonderful board! I spent quite a lot of time here researching and finally became a Leafer for the first time last night!
My question is about charging etiquette, for example lets say I go to a movie/restaurant and I use the charging station (only one is available) to park/charge and I only need an hour worth of charge but the movie is three hours. Is it unacceptable to just leave it there or should I be monitoring it and move when done to allow someone else to charge or just not worry about it?

jjon90 said:
Hello all and thanks for this wonderful board! I spent quite a lot of time here researching and finally became a Leafer for the first time last night!
My question is about charging etiquette, for example lets say I go to a movie/restaurant and I use the charging station (only one is available) to park/charge and I only need an hour worth of charge but the movie is three hours. Is it unacceptable to just leave it there or should I be monitoring it and move when done to allow someone else to charge or just not worry about it?


There's lots of info on this on the forum, but, specific to the question, you could leave a note saying, "OK to unplug after ______"